Say Goodbye to BBAs

Browser-based applications suck, one reader puts it simply. A properly architected and developed Win Forms application (or other smart client) can do anything a BBA can, and more.

Visual Studio 2005 Premieres

Visual Studio 2005 includes new language features and development tools, but do you need it? Delve into this analysis of Microsoft's much-anticipated release, plus a look at what's ahead in Orcas.

Convert C# Code

Check out the latset add-ins to Visual Studio, including a product that helps you convert C# code to C++ at the project, folder, file, and snippet levels.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

The Best .NET Products of 2005

Here's the list of the best software products as chosen by Visual Studio Magazine readers. These highly coveted awards were issued in Las Vegas at FTP's VSLive! conference.

dotTrace Profiling Tool for .NET

Take a look at the newest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that you lets you profile your .NET and ASP.NET applications and identify performance bottlenecks quickly and accurately.

Simplify Tasks Across Platforms

Take a look at the latest third-party add-ons, including one that simplifies managing, running, and scheduling tasks across platforms to enable application integration and data-center automation.

Cure Data Type 'Impedance Mismatch' With LINQ

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) for .NET and its System.Query, System.Data.DLink, and System.Xml.XLink classes enable relational-to-object and XML-to-object mapping with first-class CLR data types.

Transform Data Between XML and Databases

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a component that lets you bidirectionally transform data between XML formats and relational database structures.

New Technologies Debut at PDC

Bill Gates led a keynote team that demonstrated new technologies in data access, Web development, and more.

Encrypt and Decrypt Data in Yukon

SQL Server 2005's engine-based data encryption functions protect confidential information from unauthorized access and disclosure, and offer native key management as a bonus.

Isolate and Eliminate Performance Issues

Check out the latest upgrades to your favorite VS.NET add-ins, including a product that helps you isolate and eliminate performance issues and memory leaks.

Use Google APIs in .NET

Learn everything you need to start using .NET Web services to access Google Web APIs in your application.

XMLSpy 2005: Develop and Debug XSLT and XPath 2.0

XMLSpy 2005 Enterprise Edition features debugging support for XSLT, XPath, and WSDL. Plus a first look at Nantpad Professional 1.1.

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