Forrester Weighs In on App Servers

Forrester this week published a breakdown of the application server platform market and judged that Oracle came out on top, thanks largely to its broad array of features and robust strategy. Behind Oracle, both IBM and Microsoft earned praise for their broad and capable offerings.

The report notes that customers are looking to lock in their investments into either Java-based or .NET-based server platforms. Looking forward, Forrester says the next generation of app servers will extend feature sets to encompass SOA, social computing and Web 2.0.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/18/20070 comments

Silverlight Rising

There was a time when I allowed myself to be surprised by Microsoft's ability to play catch-up, but no longer. So when I ran across Tim Sneath's blog, Musings of a Client Platform Technical Evangelist , I wasn't entirely shocked to find an impressive list of 50 working Silverlight applications.

Silverlight, of course, is the combination cross-platform media runtime and application delivery platform that promises to do a lot more than simply give Redmond a competitor to Adobe Flash. It offers .NET-savvy developers the ability to deliver functional applications to systems beyond .NET-enabled Windows PCs.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/18/20070 comments

Jump-Start Your Skills with Virtual Labs

Microsoft has long led the industry when it comes to supporting developers. Witness useful resources like MSDN, Channel9 and the nonstop parade of conferences and seminars designed to get coders up to speed.

Now, Microsoft has produced a series of what it is calling Virtual Labs: 90-minute long, interactive how-to sessions designed to help developers evaluate and master a variety of specific Microsoft products and technologies.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/18/20070 comments

Where Are the Developers Going?

Just before the July 4 break, Evans Data Corp. released the results of a developer survey that it says shows growing cracks in the dominance of Windows as a target for programmers. The survey found that the percentage of North American programmers targeting Windows server or client OSes has dropped, from 74 percent in 2006 to 64.8 percent in 2007. Evans Data predicts further erosion, on the order of 2 percent, in 2008. More

Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/11/20070 comments

Where's Waldo?

Or, more precisely, where in the world is Ray Ozzie? Outside of an appearance at the Web-centric Mix07 developer event in Las Vegas this April, Microsoft's chief software architect and presumed successor to Bill Gates hasn't been featured at any of Microsoft's major conferences.

We're reading tea leaves here, but it seems that much of the early light and heat of Ozzie's arrival in Redmond has burned off. Meanwhile, CEO Steve Ballmer is taking center stage at key events like Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference, going on now in Denver.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/11/20070 comments

.NET Framework Security

We all know the managed code mantra of the .NET Framework -- more robust, more functional, more secure.

Or is it? Yesterday Microsoft announced a critical security flaw in versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 of the .NET Framework. In fact, the framework suffers from a trifecta of vulnerabilities that can allow remote attackers to gain control over the system.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/11/20070 comments

Happy Fair Use Day!

I'm still recovering from a hectic Fourth of July holiday, but it seems another important holiday is upon us: Fair Use Day. The holiday was founded three years ago by Eric Clifford as a way to draw attention to the ongoing battle between software, media and other companies and the consumers and businesses that make use of their products. The concern: That increasingly aggressive and restrictive efforts to protect and lock down content was robbing consumers of the basic right to use the material they owned. More

Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/11/20070 comments

Top 10 Dev Mistakes

It's no secret that far too many software development projects end in abject failure. Whether it's a simple internal application or a massive, well-documented boondoggle like the FAA's disastrous Air Traffic Control system update, there are a lot of reasons that good software concepts can go bad.

In fact, Forrester Research recently published a report that defines 10 reasons software development efforts fail. The June 26, 2007 report by Forrester analyst Peter Sterpe, titled "Ten Mistakes That Send Development Projects Off Track," makes for some compelling reading. You can get a quick intro here.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 06/27/20070 comments

Halfway House

When we launched Redmond Developer News in November of 2006 , we knew we were showing up at the right place at the right time. Microsoft, after all, has been hyperactive in the development tools space, kicking out one groundbreaking product after the next. In fact, as we look back at the first six months of 2007, it's remarkable to think how much has already happened. More

Posted by Michael Desmond on 06/27/20072 comments

Get Your Gears On

I'll admit it. I've never honestly believed any of the talk about Google seriously challenging Microsoft's hegemony in the software business. For all of Google's success in search, in advertising, in Web mail and in consumer Internet applications, Microsoft enjoys the strategic high ground.

No, I don't mean Redmond's overriding advantage in operating systems and productivity applications. I mean the company's incredible developer support network, capable tooling and vast research efforts, which enable it to stave off almost any threat. But today, for the first time, I wonder if Google might have an outside shot at all this.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 06/20/20070 comments

Virtual Reversal

Late last night, I got an IM from frequent RDN contributor Mary Jo Foley informing me that Microsoft had suddenly and unexpectedly reversed course on its virtualization licensing policies.

According to Foley's blog post, Microsoft was set to announce today more relaxed virtualization policies, which would "allow users to run all versions of Windows Vista in a virtualized environment." The previous policy (which will remain in effect for the foreseeable future) only allows the more expensive Business and Ultimate versions of Vista to run in virtual machines.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 06/20/20070 comments

Silverlight Goes Linux

You might recall that when Microsoft proudly announced its Silverlight rich Internet application platform and runtime that Linux support was entirely missing .

Now, Miguel de Icaza and the Novell-sponsored folks who brought us the Linux-savvy Mono .NET compatibility layer are planning to demonstrate a Silverlight 1.1 beta running on Linux. As Jeffrey Schwartz reports, the demo will take place at Microsoft's MIX 07 conference in Paris.


Posted by Michael Desmond on 06/20/20070 comments

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