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Free Tool: Easily Test ASP.NET Pages in Different Browsers

Time was, I only worked on intranet projects because my clients could control the browser that users accessed the site with. This meant that the testing cycle for any project was relatively short: We only had to test the site with the "approved" browser. However, as browsers have become more compliant to standards—and as the economy has retracted—testing cycles for Internet applications have gotten shorter and I've started working on Internet projects. That change means that I need to be able to test my client's sites in multiple browsers.

Just released on October 1st 2011, the WoVS Default Browser Switcher add-in (available from Visual Studio's Extension Manager) gives you the Default Browser Switcher toolbar. The toolbar hosts an icon for each of the major browsers (any browsers not installed on your computer have their icons disabled). Clicking on the icon for a browser makes that browser the default for Visual Studio and, as a result, the one used next time you test your application.

If you don't want to add another toolbar to your Visual Studio interface or just want to test a page in a particular browser without changing your default settings, the add-in also adds a new "View in browser" submenu on the context menu for an ASPX page. That submenu lets you select the browser you want to view the page in without whacking your default settings.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 11/16/2011

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