Simplify WPF or Silverlight and Prism/Unity Code with Generic Methods
In an earlier column I discussed using the Register and Resolve methods with Microsoft's Unity dependency container. However, if you've got all of Visual Studio's hotfixes applied, you'll have access to some overloaded and generic versions of those methods. For instance, for the Resolve method, I used this version:
res = cont.Resolve(typeof(ICustListVM),"DefaultCustListVM");
The generic version moves the first parameter (the type of class you're looking for) into the generic:
res = cont.Resolve<ICustListVM>("DefaultCustListVM");
In addition to saving you some typing, it can also save you some type casting. The non-generic version of the Resolve method always returns type object, but the generic version returns the type specified in the generic.
There are also several overloads for the Register method, so you don't have to pass as many parameters as I used in the article. In the article, I used this wordy version:
ContainerControlledLifetimeManager cclm =
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager();
typeof(CustListVM), "DefaultCustListVM", cclm);
With the hotfixes installed, you can just use this:
And, if you use the generic version, you can get away with as little as this:
Posted by Peter Vogel on 07/17/2012