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Free Tool: Find Memory Leaks in SharePoint

It's hard to create memory leaks in .NET, but I can do it when developing in SharePoint without even trying very hard. The SharePoint Dispose Check (SPDisposeCheck to its friends) analyzes your code to see if you're following Microsoft's best practices in disposing of SharePoint resources.

SPDisposeCheck is a Visual Studio Add-In that adds a new menu item to your Tools menu. When you select it, SPDisposeCheck pops up a dialog that lets you check which parts of your Solution will be checked. In addition to running an analysis when you want, you can also choose to have your code analyzed as part of building your projects. By default, the results are displayed in the Output Window (you have to set the dropdown list at the top of the Window to SPDispose check). However, you can also choose to have any problems listed as Errors.

PDisposeCheck won't stop you from having memory leaks in SharePoint; but at least when you track a leak down, it won't be something so obvious that you'll feel foolish about it.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 11/29/2012

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