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Video Q&A: When To Use NoSQL Databases

Ted Neward talks about why NoSQL databases like Cassandra and MongoDB are gaining in popularity and how to choose between relational vs. non-relational databases for specific projects.

Posted on 05/15/20130 comments

Video: Microsoft's Craig Kitterman on the Cloud & .NET Devs

Watch the entire keynote of Microsoft's Craig Kitterman, a senior technical product manager for Windows Azure, from Visual Studio Live! Chicago 2013 here.

Posted on 05/15/20130 comments

VIDEO: Microsoft's Jay Schmelzer Talks Software Development Trends

Here's the full video of Visual Studio Live! Chicago's opening keynote with Microsoft's Jay Schmelzer from this morning.

Posted on 05/14/20130 comments

In-Depth Video: Cloud Services & Building Apps for .NET Developers

Watch Microsoft's Jim Nakashima's entire keynote from the recent Visual Studio Live! Las Vegas 2013 conference.

Part I

Part II


Posted on 04/22/20130 comments

Video Q&A: Michael Washington on LightSwitch

Visual Studio Live! speaker Michael Washington talks about mobile development with LightSwitch, which now comes free with Visual Studio.

Posted on 04/11/20130 comments

Video Q&A: What's New in ASP.NET 4.5 with Microsoft's Adam Tuliper

Microsoft's Adam Tuliper discusses what's new in the .NET Framework 4.5, including Web API, async/await keywords, and security upgrades.

Posted on 04/11/20130 comments

Video: Microsoft's Jim Nakashima on Developing for Cloud

Visual Studio Live! Las Vegas 2013 keynote speaker Jim Nakashima talks about the new era of connected, mobile apps, and how Office 365 and SharePoint are at the forefront.

Posted on 04/02/20130 comments

Video: What's New in .NET Compilers

At Visual Studio Live! Las Vegas 2013, Magenic's Jason Bock discusses Microsoft's effort to rewrite the Visual Basic and C# compilers and the next CTP of Project Roslyn.

Posted on 04/01/20130 comments

Video: New Features in Visual Studio 2012

Deborah Kurata, president of InStep Technologies and Visual Studio Live! speaker, highlights some of what's new in Visual Studio 2012.

Posted on 04/01/20130 comments

Video: Rocky Lhotka on Developing 'Modern' Apps

Visual Studio Live! Co-Chair Rocky Lhotka discusses what he means when he says "Modern Apps," and how Microsoft fits into those efforts.

Posted on 03/28/20130 comments

Video: Q&A with James Conard

Microsoft's James Conard talks about Windows Azure and how it helps .NET developers take advantage of the cloud.

Posted on 03/28/20130 comments

Video Q&A: Steve Guggenheimer on Build 2013 Announcement

Microsoft's Steve Guggenheimer discusses the next Build developer conference at 1105 Media's VSLive! show.

Posted on 03/26/20130 comments

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