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Enterprise Library 3.0

Back in February, Redmond Developer News reported on the release of a community technology preview of Enterprise Library 3.0.

The software enables developers to streamline common enterprise application development tasks for .NET-aware projects and improve overall code quality. The final version of Enterprise Library 3.0 went live on Friday.

Tom Hollander, product manager in the Microsoft Patterns & Practices Group, says this latest version will prove much less troublesome to deploy than earlier editions of Enterprise Library, which had to keep pace with major changes to the underlying .NET Framework.

"It really just builds on what the two first major releases really provided. A lot of people are still wearing some scars, as we are ourselves, in the upgrade from Enterprise Library version 1 to version 2," says Hollander. "There were quite a number of breaking changes in that release. We are very pleased that the changes between version 3 and version 2 are much, much, much simpler."

Key updates to the new library include Validation Application Block, which integrates with Windows Forms, ASP.NET or WCF to provide data validation, and Policy Injection Application Block, which Hollander says "separates cross-cutting concerns from the core business logic."

Perhaps most interesting is the Application Block Software Factory, which Hollander says uses Guidance Packages or Guidance Automation to generate code within Visual Studio that conforms to a particular architectural style. Hollander says Microsoft will be releasing new software factories, though there was no information on what types of scenarios these might target.

For more information on Enterprise Library 3.0, visit the download page here.

Posted by Michael Desmond on 04/11/2007

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