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VS Toolbox: Coming up in February

Next month we're looking at two more unusual products. The first is Infragistics' Data Visualization suite of controls. These controls are not (as Infragistics makes clear) a complete business intelligence solution. Instead, Infagistics' intention is to provide a suite of controls that will let your users sort through the data from your business intelligence solution. I'm going to be interested in what controls go into a "Data Visualization" package and how effectively they work at presenting data.

Our second review is driven by reader demand. I asked if we should review the product and the answer was a strong "Yes" (to put it mildly). We'll actually be reviewing two products: Sapphire Steel's Amethyst, a Visual Studio Add-In and Midnight Coder's WebOrb, a run time environment. Amethyst is unusual because it's designed to let developers do Flash (Adobe AIR/Flex) development in Visual Studio while WebOrb, among other things, let's you run and debug those applications from Visual Studio. I'm going to be concentrating on the integration that Sapphire Steel and Midnight Coder have managed to achieve.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 01/26/2011

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