.NET Tips and Tricks

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Free Tool: Convert C# to Visual Basic or Visual Basic to C#

I recently got some feedback from readers about using Visual Basic rather than C# for the sample code in my Practical .NET column. Ironically, the feedback came just before I started doing a whole bunch of columns with code in C# (the columns are about Entity Framework 6 and I used Entity Framework Power Tools to generate my entity code; sadly, Power Tools for Entity Framework 6 is still in beta and only produces C# code).

But that feedback got me looking for a good conversion tool, and eventually I found one at Telerik. Copy your code, surf to the site, paste your code in the top window, set the direction of the conversion (the default is C# to VB), click the button, and copy your converted code from the bottom window. You're now a dual-language warrior.

But I didn't use that tool in my columns. Honest. I wrote all the code myself. At least, that's the basis I'm using for billing my time.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 04/25/2014

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