Generate Web Sites Automatically: Figure 2: Specify the Page with the URL.

Dynamic Data supports ASP.NET’s new System.Web.DynamicData and System.Web.Routing classes. These classes let you define a set of DynamicDataRoutes for dynamic and static pages, as well as a RouteValueDictionary entry that constrains actions to List, Details, Edit, or Insert. The URL’s element defines the default page, which contains a list of available EntitySets. Clicking on an EntitySet link adds its name as a subdomain, such as /Customers/. It also generates the List action for creating an URL and displaying a dynamic page with a GridView control. Custom (static) Web sites you create with the Dynamic Data Wizard interpose the site folder name between and Customers. For this example, the GridView is bound to a LinqDataSource or EntityDataSource’s Customers DataMember. An appended ?KeyName=KeyValue query string specifies the primary key value for DetailsViews or the foreign key value for GridViews of related records.

Generate Web Sites Automatically: Figure 2: Specify the Page with the URL.
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