Hands-On Product Review: WebUI Studio.NET 2007

A close look at Intersoft Solutions Corp.’s WebUI Studio.NET 2007

Consuming Remote Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX

Notice that ScriptManager can't generate a client-side proxy object that can be used to call the remote service? Dan shows you the workaround.

Consuming Remote Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX

Notice that ScriptManager can't generate a client-side proxy object that can be used to call the remote service? Dan shows you the workaround.

Authenticating Users with ASP.NET AJAX

Dan walks you through configuring this method as well as walks you through all the parameters.

Creating and Consuming ASP.NET AJAX Page Methods

Using Page Methods when adding the ScriptService attribute is overkill for a single page -- find out how to add the functionality directly using AJAX.

Consuming Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX

Leverage .NET Web services using the ScriptServiceAttribute through the ScriptManager control.

ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2007 v2

ComponentOne LLC issues update to enterprise toolset.

Returning Complex Types from AJAX-Enabled Web Services

Dan Wahlin walks you through exactly how to return any object that contains sub-objects exposed through properties.

VS Beta 2: Bug Fixes, Final Features, Polish and Shine

The folks in Microsoft's Developer Division probably didn't mind the damp and drizzle of summer in Seattle as much this year, as they worked feverishly to polish the next iteration of the mothership. So far, it looks like the long hours paid off. Beta 2 of Microsoft's Visual Studio (VS) 2008 IDE and .NET 3.5 landed, fully loaded, the last week in July.

Return XML from AJAX-Enabled Web Services

Dan walks you through using the ScriptMethod Attribute.

Build AJAX Security With JSON

AJAX-era security requires tossing out a lot of what you thought you knew about security, starting with Same Origin Policy.

Server-Side AJAX for the Enterprise

AJAX got the nod at the recent AJAX Experience conference from Joshua Gertzen, who presented a case study on an AJAX-based banking application at the event.

Introducing ASP.NET AJAX and Web Services

Find out how ASP.NET AJAX Extensions lets you use Web services to support JSON messaging.

Abort AJAX Requests

Add the PageRequestManager class's built-in abort capabilities to Web apps that allow users to make longer-running requests.

Infragistics Updates WinForms/ASP.NET Components

Tools vendor Infragistics today released NetAdvantage for .NET 2007 Volume 2, its latest set of presentation components for Windows Forms and ASP.NET.

Coping With Click-Happy Users

The PageRequestManager client-side class provides a rich-event model to help you deal with impatient users.

Infragistics' NetAdvantage for ASP.NET: AJAX-Enable Web Sites

Ken Cox reviews Infragistics suite of more than 30 controls for building AJAX-enabled ASP.NET Web applications, including grid, chart, toolbar, menu, editors, data entry, and scheduling controls.

Survey AJAX Frameworks and Design Patterns

Explore today''s AJAX frameworks and design patters, and implement them in your Web design and development.

Inform Users With Customized Visual Feedback

Add and customize visual cues on your AJAX-enabled Web pages with the UpdateProgress control and PageRequestManager class.

Ties that Bind

Tech-Ed 2007: Microsoft calls for agile, business-focused IT through tighter links between development and operations.

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