Integrating Dynamic DataBound Columns with SqlDataSource

You've given your users cascading DropDownLists to make it easy for them to find the item they want -- but now your page won't update. Peter has a solution for single-tier applications using the SqlDataSource.

Atalasoft Offers New View of SharePoint

Atalasoft Inc. is launching a SharePoint plug-in based on the document imaging tooling in its latest SDK.

Integrating Master Pages + Content Pages + a Little AJAX

Getting your content and master pages to work side-by-side is easy, thanks to UpdatePanel.

Handling Runtime Errors Globally

Unhandled runtime errors hit the best of us. But if you catch them at the Page and Application levels, you'll save yourself a lot of grief.

Updating Multiple GridView Rows

Putting updateable controls in the ItemTemplate in a GridView gives developers what they want: the ability for users to change more than one row at a time. The cost is writing some extra code.

Microsoft Releases RC1 of ASP.NET MVC

Microsoft today made available Release Candidate 1 of its ASP.NET Model View Controller, a design pattern for test-driven development of enterprise-scale Web applications.

Accessing Connection Strings Reliably

Peter provides an alternative to the default mechanism for accessing connection string -- and plugs his next book.

Build and Share

Where should Microsoft draw the line between adopting outside standards and technology, and building its own technologies?

JavaFX Faces off Against Adobe, Microsoft

Sun Microsystems joins Microsoft and Adobe in the RIA race with the launch of its JavaFX runtime, platform and development tools.

Web PI Gains XP, Windows 2003 Support

Release candidate of Redmond’s Web Platform Installer now supports Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

Microsoft Upgrades Robotics Tools

Microsoft’s Robotics Developer Studio 2008 comes with increased runtime performance and improved tooling.

New CodePlex Release Helps Create Blog Portals

Microsoft on Friday released free open source code that can be used by Web developers to build online blogs.

Decoding Routes

You can use ASP.NET Routing to decode meaningful URLs into real physical path names.

Speed O/R Mapping with LINQ to SQL

LINQ to SQL continues to be a top contender in the .NET object/relational mapping tool market despite Microsoft's promotion of the Entity Framework as one of the "Pillars of SQL Server 2008: Dynamic Development."

Routing Your ASP.NET Application

New for ASP.NET developers with .NET 3.5 SP1 is routing, an easy way to simplify site maintenance -- and give meaning to your users' lives.

New Specs on Tap for AJAX Development

The OpenAjax Alliance unveils two key standards initiatives: a new metadata specification and a new version of its mashup runtime.

Creating Master/Detail and Update Pages with Entity Framework

After using EF to drive a series of drop-down lists, Peter moves on to the next step: using EF to build a Master/Detail page.

Using the Entity Model to Create an ASP.NET Page

What's one test of a new technology? Seeing whether you can use it with the old technology.

Microsoft To Add Smooth Streaming in IIS7

Web sites will be able to get improved bandwidth management for streaming media using a new extension to the Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS7) Web server.

On the State of VS and .NET

The second part of VSM's Q&A with Richard Hale Shaw discusses how -- and whether -- developers should keep pace with new technologies.

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