
Creating a Value Object that Developers Can Use

You can dramatically simplify your code by using value objects, but to create a value object that makes sense to the developer who uses it, you need to redefine what the equals sign means. Along the way, Peter points out some problems when you don't use classes to define your data.

Build-Process Insanity

Many stories aim to share a saga of how code builds are successfully integrated with each other. This is not one of those stories.

Visual Studio 2015, Team Foundation Server 2015 Updates Near RTW

Vast list of improvements and changes across the board for the Microsoft developer tools platforms as the products get closer to final Web release: support for iOS 9 and Android Marshmallow in Tools for Apache Cordova, and a number of improvements specific to Visual C#, Visual C++and Node.js Tools for VS.

Visual Studio Online Defines 'Visual' in New Team Interface

Latest sprint comes with new dashboard capabilities that are meant to replace the Team Overview page, as well as improved pull request and testing features.

Revamped ReSharper Ultimate 10

The Visual Studio coding extension suite from JetBrains has a whole host of improvements, and includes a new build tool.

Solving Sliding Tiles with Artificial Intelligence (and Some C#)

True artificial intelligence is years away. But we can demonstrate the challenges of AI decisionmaking using C# to derive solutions for the classic sliding tiles puzzle.

ASP.NET MVC 6 and Tag Helpers, Part 2

Now that you know how to create tag helpers, let's create a custom one that loads a bootstrap-select dropdown via a remote URI.

Language API from Project Oxford in Public Beta

Microsoft has offered a few of the machine learning APIs to developers to incorporate into apps. Out in public beta now is LUIS, the Language Understanding Intelligent Service that now has Chinese language support and adds dozens of prebuilt models.

Implementing Strategy Pattern and Callbacks in TypeScript

The TypeScript datatyping support not only applies to simple variables, it also supports you when doing clever things with functions. Specifically, TypeScript ensures you create reliable code when implementing callback functions.

Xamarin Bolsters Cross-Platform Tools with RoboVM Buy

The acquisition adds Java development capabilities to the company's cross-platform development arsenal.

Modelling Actor Behaviors in Akka.NET

Simplify conditional actor code and improve readability.

Hosting JavaScript in a Windows 10 App

An introduction to the Chakra JavaScript engine and how it can be used within a Windows 10 app to execute JavaScript.

A More Efficient Text Pattern Search Using a Trie Class in .NET

The trie data structure is one alternative method for searching text that can be more efficient than traditional search approaches. Here's a trie class you can create in C#.

Simplifying Applications with Eventual Consistency

Stop trying to make everything work all at once. Instead, use Domain Events to make applications simpler, more scalable and easier to maintain -- and to defer updates until you can't avoid making them.

Visual Studio 2015, Team Foundation Server 2015 Updated

Three months from their original releases, both tool suites have a handful of fit-and-finish improvements meant to smoothe over the development process.

Simplifying Applications by Implementing Eventual Consistency with Domain Events

Implementing Domain Events can dramatically simplify your application while also making it more scalable. Here are some of the implementation options available to you in the .NET environment.

Step Up To Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural networks can solve some types of problems that regular feed-forward networks cannot handle.

VS Tools for Cordova Update 3 Aims for Stability

Along with a handful of features, including an ADAL plug-in, VS Tools for Cordova Update 3 aims for stability with a number of fixes that includes one for an error developers were getting after installing ASP.NET 5 Beta 7.

How To Consume a WebAPI with RestSharp

The open source library RestSharp is designed to make consuming APIs from .NET easy and work across platforms.

Creating a Genuine Value Object

Peter addresses reader's concerns by showing how to implement a read-only/immutable value object.

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