
Neural Network How-To: Code an Evolutionary Optimization Solution

Evolutionary optimization can be used to train a neural network. A virtual chromosome holds the neural network's weights and bias values, and the error term is the average of all errors between the network's computed outputs and the training data target outputs. Learn how to code the solution.

ASP.NET MVC Extensibility with MEF

How to use MEF to add validation rule components to an ASP.NET MVC Web application.

Regular Expressions, Part 3: Business Intelligence Uses

You can do a lot more with regular expressions than you think. In this tutorial, you'll use it to convert a movie list into a CSV file for use in Excel.

.NET Development Available on Red Hat Open Source Platform

The technology was developed by a company founded by two ex-Microsoft executives.

.NET Framework Reference Source Updated Via 'Roslyn'

Developers can search for incompatibilities between their own code and .NET more easily than ever.

TypeScript & Visual Studio 2013: Coming of Age

Visual Studio 2013, with the latest version of TypeScript, gives you the same kind of support you've come to expect when writing code in C# and Visual Basic.

Out To Lunch

Why user requests shouldn't always be granted.

Learning to Use Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Optimization

Evolutionary optimization (EO) is a type of genetic algorithm that can help minimize the error between computed output values and training data target output values. Use this demo program to learn to the method.

Visual Studio 2013 Add-In Allows Code Searching Across Web

With Bing Code Search, Visual Studio developers get context-aware search capabilities from within IntelliSense.

How To Standardize Data for Neural Networks

Understanding data encoding and normalization is an absolutely essential skill when working with neural networks. James McCaffrey walks you through what you need to know to get started.

Picking and Choosing Features in Your Language

Just because your language can do it, it doesn't mean that you should.

Testing Platform Update Includes Rewritten C# Engine

Coverity 7.0 also focuses sharply on Web application security.

Neural Network Training Using Particle Swarm Optimization

Although mathematically elegant, back-propagation isn't perfect. Instead consider using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to train your neural network; here's how.

K-Means Data Clustering Using C#

Learn how to cluster your numeric data using the k-means algorithm in this step-by-step guide.

The Template Method Pattern in the .NET Framework

Learn how to process CSV files using the Template Method Pattern in a sample C# application.

Virtual Reality in the .NET Framework, Part 2

Last time, Eric Vogel provided an overview of the Oculus Rift VR headset. In Part 2, he starts building a game with it.

Particle Swarm Optimization Using C#

Particle swarm optimization isn't usually seen as the first-choice technique for training a neural network but, as James McCaffrey demonstrates, it's a useful alternative.

DevExpress Updates .NET Development Tools for Windows 8.1, Visual Studio 2013

An updated Windows 8.1 API created opportunities for new tools.

Microsoft Announces Visual Studio Online

At its official Visual Studio 2013 launch today, Redmond moved its flagship integrated development environment further into Windows Azure.

The Bridge Pattern in the .NET Framework

Learn how to implement the Bridge Pattern in .NET by building a Windows Store radio application.

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