Visual Basic.NET is getting comfortable in its new position as a top five programming language in the TIOBE index, which measures popularity based on search engine data.
Although Python is the widely recognized de facto, go-to programming language for machine learning and many other artificial intelligence projects, a new study shows C# is holding its own in the space.
An open source GitHub project championed by a handful of developers seeks to add Google's new Flutter mobile UI framework as an option for creating native mobile apps in the Xamarin framework.
Blazor expert Chris Sainty provides hands-on code samples to explain how to handle DOM and user-defined events in Microsoft's experimental project for writing browser-based apps with C# instead of JavaScript.
- By Chris Sainty
- 10/31/2018
Downloading compiled C# code to the browser using Blazor is all very good -- but it would be so much better if you can integrate your Blazor code with JavaScript. Here’s how to do that.
Blazor is the Microsoft toolset that exploits the WebAssembly standard to let you write C# code that will run in your browser. Here's how to set up Visual Studio 2017 and create your first app.
The young .NET Core, an open source, cross-platform alternative to .NET Framework, is increasingly becoming the runtime target choice for C# coders, according to new survey results published by JetBrains.
New support for styling Xamarin.Forms apps with CSS may be controversial, but Greg Shackles thinks CSS is a powerful (and frequently maligned) solution to the problem of styling native mobile applications. See what he means in this hands-on tutorial.
- By Greg Shackles
- 05/29/2018
Microsoft has updated Blazor -- for full-stack Web apps coded in C# -- with new features including the ability to create reusable component libraries.
From variables to inheritances to what JavaScript patterns you really need to know, C# MVP Ben Hoelting offers his top tips for C# coders looking to use JavaScript to build complex client-side Web apps.
Proving that Visual Studio tools can come from all manner of sources, a small dev firm in the Canary Islands is offering up its own homegrown toolset -- developed during the creation of an accounting program -- as a commercial product to let C# and VB.NET coders create Web apps without all that JavaScript and CSS stuff.
Wally builds an app prototype and in response to user feedback investigates how to play audio sound effects in response to events such as a button press.
- By Wallace McClure
- 03/29/2018
RedMonk's latest programming language popularity report says Microsoft's multi-language approach is paying off, giving the company the "most to crow about" among all vendors.
This has been an issue for a while and was just raised again with a new post on the Issues section of the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit GitHub repository, an open source toolkit for commercial-grade distributed deep learning.
Our cross-platform C# specialist turns his attention to the iOS side of things only to demonstrate some programming issues associated with the much-hyped device from Apple, including Face ID, the "notch," Safe Areas, Large Titles and more.
- By Wallace McClure
- 01/11/2018
The popular Unity game development platform has dropped its default Mono-based IDE in favor of Visual Studio products in order to leverage new C# and scripting features.
At a recent Visual Studio Live! conference, the principal software engineer demonstrated the ins and outs of the new System.TupleValue functionality coming with C# 7.0, along with other new features such as pattern matching, local functions, "out" variables, throw expressions, generalized async return types and many more.
One situation that can prevent a successful file transfer is when the destination file is, in fact, the program that's doing the copying. Here's how to work around such problems.
Microsoft this week published hands-on guidance for using its new Azure IoT Edge service, just launched as an extension for the Visual Studio Code editor in a public preview program.
Microsoft announced a new tool to speed up the optimization of 3D models for mixed reality applications running on iOS, Android and Windows.