
Building Media Apps for the Universal Windows Platform Using the Player Framework

The Universal Windows Platform comes with rich media capabilities. In this article Nick explores how to customize and extend the media playback experience using the Player Framework.

Visual F# Update To Include .NET Core Project Editing, Compiling

A preview of the forthcoming Visual F# Tools for F# 4.1 to be released later this year includes support for F# 4.1, editing and compiling .NET Core and .NET Framework projects, as well as support for tuples, struct records, and a number of other F# language enhancements.

Declarative Programming in TypeScript with Decorators

If you've used attributes in your C# or Visual Basic programs, then decorators in TypeScript are going to look very familiar to you. They're still in development, but here's a look both at how to use them and how to write them.

A Lifetime of Data in C# and Visual Basic

Or, how lifetime can mean different lengths of time, depending on whether it's procedural- or block-level.

Integrating SQL Server Reporting Services Reports and ASP.NET MVC

There are so many ways to integrate an SSRS report into your page that the biggest problem you'll face is deciding which one to use. Peter runs through all the solutions he can think of, including those cases where you want to download the report as a file.

VS 2015 Tooling Update for Unity Game Devs

Among the changes in Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity is a fix for an issue that prevented the abiltity to debug Unity games that incorporated Xamarin. It also incorporates support for Visual Studio 2015 function breakpoints and access to Unity MonoBehaviours.

Run Additional Test Code with SpecFlow 2 Hooks

You know how to run business-readable tests. Let's continue with a few more hooks.

Permutations Using R

R has limited support for mathematical permutations, but it's there. Here's what R is capable of accomplishing.

Workbench, Editor Updates Make Visual Studio Code June Release

The Visual Studio team's latest update includes quite a number of enhancements, including tab, workbench, and editor improvements/addition, and some new debugging options.

Who's in Charge Now? UI Control and the Interface Segregation Principle

If you adopt the Interface Segregation principle, then you can eliminate (or, at least, control) one of the most annoying problems in creating very useful objects. But following that principle through to its conclusion also inverts the traditional hierarchy of the development team.

Visual Studio 15, Team Foundation Server 15 Preview Now Available

IDE usage improvements, addition of Exception helper and Xamarin 4.1 are highlights of this release, notes John Montgomery, head of Visual Studio development.

Default Access Levels in C# and Visual Basic

It pays to be explicit and not use the emotional defaults of each language.

It's OK To Be Lazy And Defer Creating Objects Until You Need Them

You can write some complicated code to ensure that you don't create any object until you absolutely need it. Or you can use the Lazy object...at least some of the time.

Retain State by Serializing to Disk

If you're looking for an easy way to save the user's current state, the simplest solution is use the Serialize and Deserialize method.

Processing Data with ASP.NET MVC, JSX+React and TypeScript

JSX+React provides a flexible way for you to structure your client-side code to two things you want: dynamically transform your page in response to your user's input, and to integrate with ASP.NET MVC action methods.

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0 Out Now

Finalized versions of Microsoft's venerable software technologies are now generally available, and for Visual Studio 2015 U3, it includes the resolution of some high memory consumption issues that bedeviled some larger VS customers.

Stepping Through Binding Styles Using SpecFlow 2

SpecFlow offers a number of binding styles for bridging business-readable tests with test-automation code.

Saving Data on the Client in ASP.NET MVC

Here's another way to make applications more scalable and more responsive to the user: store some application data on the user's computer.

May Release of Visual Studio Code 1.2 Includes Tab Preview

A big user request, tab support, is developed enough that it's now available in preview form for those working with the VSC Insiders Release.

How the R Language Does OOP

It's not quite like C# or Python, but the R language's object-oriented programming capabilities are getting better with each iteration. Let's take a look at what .NET developers are able do now with OOP in R6.

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