
C#: The Good, Bad and Ugly

It's almost 2011. The Microsoft .NET Framework and C# have been publicly available for almost 10 years -- longer if you count the early betas.

A Question About the Entity Framework

Lennie Lobel, CTO of Sleek Technologies and a consultant at twentysix New York, is an expert on Entity Framework and Microsoft .NET Framework data-access technologies.

5 C# Traps to Avoid

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele offers a heads up on five gotchas that can trip up even veteran C# programmers.

Working with Windows 7 Thumbnails

In the second of two Windows 7-themed columns, Patrick Steele looks at how to get the most out of thumbnails with the Windows API CodePack.

Inversion of Control Patterns for the Microsoft .NET Framework

Explore new ways to manage dependencies in your applications with Inversion of Control containers and Dependency Injection.

Getting the Jump on Jump Lists

Windows 7 contains a number of UI improvements to the classic taskbar. One very useful feature for quickly launching an application with its associated files is Jump Lists. In this issue, we'll look at how you can utilize Jump Lists in your own Windows 7 applications.

Q&A: Microsoft's Lisa Feigenbaum Talks About C#

Microsoft's community program manager for the Visual Studio Managed Languages Team talks about the new capabilities in C# 4 and what we can expect going forward.

Experiencing C# from a VB Developer's Perspective

On VB author Joe Kunk talks about his impression of C#.

What's New in C# and .NET 4

Patrick Steele looks at the enhancements in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 that will make your C# development more productive.

Code Contracts in .NET 4

Patrick Steele looks into C# Code Contracts under .NET 4 and how they can streamline code validation.

Memory Mapped Files

Patrick Steele shows how you can realize major performance gains when working with large images by using memory-mapped files.

Use Mocking Frameworks to Improve Code Quality

C# Corner's Patrick Steele dives into mocking frameworks and how they can help you write more efficient and testable code.

Readers Respond: Of C++ and HTML 5

The language and library improvements outlined in Sumit Kumar's April 2010 article, "The Evolution of C++ in Visual Studio 2010," didn't alleviate a few readers' perceptions that C# and Visual Basic will win out at the expense of Visual C++/CLI.

Make Good Use of Code Maintenance

Patrick Steele illustrates useful techniques for modifying existing code while maintaining backward compatibility.

Using LINQ to Express Intent

Use LINQ outside of databases to make your code easier to read and maintain.

Red Gate Launches .NET Reflector Pro, Updates Community Edition

The popular tool's first commercial extension is a Visual Studio add-in for debugging third-party assemblies.

Generating Code with CodeSmith

CodeSmith Studio supports the creation of code-generation projects for a wide variety of outputs-though it has limited integration with Visual Studio.

C#: Interface-Based Programming

Interfaces can make your applications easier to test and maintain.

The Azure Factor

How factoring out common patterns in your Azure worker roles can improve development.

Getting Current on MEF

ASK KATHLEEN: Readers explore Managed Extensibility Framework, using callback delegates and how to create the equivalent of a C# partial interface in Visual Basic.

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