• News

    Microsoft: .NET Core Is the Future, So Get Moving

    In a Visual Studio Live! conference keynote Tuesday a couple of Microsoft program managers discussed .NET today and tomorrow, clearly signaling that .NET Core is the future of the ecosystem and that programmers should use it for all new development projects. 10/10/2018

  • A Blazor Tip You Should Almost Certainly Ignore

    The Blazor documentation doesn't say you can't do this and it does actually work. But, still, you'd probably be foolish to take advantage of it. 10/10/2018

  • The Fastest Data Access Possible with Compiled Procs

    If, in your "need for speed," you're looking to access and update your data as fast as possible, you can get to that goal by combining memory-optimized tables with compiled procs. 10/09/2018

  • Speed Up Your Application with SQL Server In-Memory Tables

    If screaming speed in data access is the most important thing in your life, SQL Server's durable in-memory, memory-optimized tables are your answer. They were good in SQL Server 2014 and they're even better in SQL Server 2016, 2017 and Azure. 10/09/2018

  • Debugging Xamarin Android Apps

    You have a bunch of options for debugging Android applications built with Xamarin. Unfortunately, only one of them has worked well for Peter in all scenarios. Here are all your options with Peter's opinion on each and a recommendation on the best one. 10/08/2018

  • News

    Visual Studio 2017 v15.9 Preview 3 Improves Xamarin, TypeScript, More

    Microsoft announced the third preview of Visual Studio 2017 v15.9, improving Xamarin and TypeScript functionality along with a bevy of other improvements. 10/08/2018

  • Updating Entity Framework Objects with Changed Data

    You've got a class that accepts an object from a client (perhaps, that class is an ASP.NET MVC Controller). Here's the simplest way to update the related Entity Framework object with the client's data before saving it to your database. 10/04/2018

  • News

    Progress JavaScript UI Toolkit Bakes In Accessibility

    Progress released an update of its Kendo UI JavaScript component toolset for building Web UI, adding new functionality while meeting the latest WCAG Web accessibility standard. 10/04/2018

  • .NET Tip: Testing Private Fields

    Peter thinks he's a bad person for even mentioning this tip. But, he claims, sometimes your best option in testing is to look at the internal state of the code under test. PrivateObject and PrivateType will let you do that. 10/03/2018

  • News

    Server-Side Blazor to Ship in .NET Core 3.0

    Blazor is heading for the big time, to be packaged with the next major release of .NET Core, ready for production use. 10/03/2018

  • News

    .NET Core 2.0 Sees End of Life, 2.1.5 Update Released

    .NET Core 2.0 in a sense "died" yesterday, Oct. 1, the official "end of life" date for that milestone version of Microsoft's open source, modular and cross-platform modernization of the .NET Framework. 10/02/2018

  • Integrating JavaScript and C# in the Browser: Beyond the Basics with Blazor

    If you want to call Blazor .NET code from JavaScript (or vice versa) with instantiated objects, or while passing multiple parameters, or while catching the results produced by that code, here's how to do it. 10/01/2018

  • Controlling Your Visual Studio Default Window Layout

    You're probably perfectly happy with the layout of windows that Visual Studio is giving you (it's whatever window layout you last used). But if you think there's a more optimal layout, it's easy to change. And if there's a couple of layouts you like ... well, you can have them, also. 09/27/2018

  • News

    Visual Studio App Center Adds More Enterprise Security

    The Visual Studio App Center is previewing a new feature that adds more enterprise security to the app lifecycle management portal. 09/27/2018

  • News

    Firms Team Up to Migrate Windows Desktop Apps to Web in Azure Cloud

    .NET dev specialists Syncfusion and Mobilize.Net have entered a partnership to help customers migrate legacy desktop applications to to the Azure cloud, where they're reborn as Web apps. 09/27/2018

  • When You're Your Own DBA: Speeding Up SQL Server

    You're not a DBA but you're responsible for managing your organization's SQL Server installation. Here are some tips on what you can do to speed up all your data access. 09/26/2018

  • News

    Ignite 2018: What's New in Azure Cloud Development

    Microsoft focused on Azure development at this week's Ignite conference in Orlando, announcing a slew of new products and services for cloud coders, many in public previews. 09/26/2018

  • News

    SQL Server 2019 Preview Bakes In Big Data

    Microsoft introduced a preview of the latest edition of its flagship RDBMS, SQL Server 2019, highlighting new Big Data capabilities integrated into the core database engine. 09/26/2018

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