If you're using Skip and Take in LINQ to page through your data, a tweak to your syntax can cut your response time by as much as 10 percent as you page through your data.
If you care about data typing and want to avoid null/undefined errors, there's a lot you're going to like in TypeScript 2.0. And, if you like creating general purpose functions that can work with a variety of classes, there's something here for you, too.
Last time, I created the app. This time, I take care of a few annoying but important issues with it, especially in the area of the user's experience with application connectivity.
- By Wallace McClure
- 12/01/2016
A .NET port of the Ruby library allows for experimental testing of code that's gone to production.
- By Jason Roberts
- 11/30/2016
When you're testing an ASP.NET MVC controller (or, really, any class at all) you want to make sure the code that fails is the code you're testing. Moq provides a simple way to isolate the code you're testing and lets you generate test cases.
Pile on the exceptions, and .NET will have your back with the tools it provides at your disposal.
Sometimes you want child objects retrieved with the parent object, and sometimes you don't. What you NEVER want is to retrieve child objects accidentally. Here's Peter's advice on how to get the best performance when loading child objects.
In this Q&A, highly regarded developer and educator Scott Allen shares his thoughts on coding with C#.
The alternative to that simple error-handling combo is the Try...Catch, but it's not as simple as wrapping up your code with it.
Script bundling speeds up your application by reducing the time it takes to download all of your JavaScript code. But you'll need another object to get your files added to the page in the order you want.
The R language simplifies the creation of neural network classifiers with an add-on that lays all the groundwork.
- By James McCaffrey
- 11/10/2016
In test-driven development, you have to decide how you'll divide your test methods between your test classes. The best solution is the one that requires the least effort on your part and implements the Single Responsibility Principle for tests.
There are two attributes you can put on your entity class properties: one is a convenience, the other is essential, and both are required when the primary key for a table consists of two columns.
With Apple's update to its phone OS, we look at the support that Xamarin has for it by building a simple speech app.
- By Wallace McClure
- 11/07/2016
Peter shows how to browse a set of objects in an IndexedDB ObjectStore and, along the way, finishes up his TypeScript/IndexedDB utilities for storing and retrieving large amounts of data on the client.
Debugging mouse events is especially confusing, because when the debugger stops the code, most of the events go away! What tactics can we use in these situations?
- By Bartlomiej Filipek
- 11/01/2016
Here's how to use SpecFlow to convert plain-text scenario steps into .NET types.
- By Jason Roberts
- 10/31/2016
An HTML Helper is a bit of Razor code that can be called from multiple places in a View. But, if you put your Helper in the right place, you can also use it from any View in your application.
Look behind the curtain on this one, and you'll see that code is quite magical in and of itself.
Moving to TDD with ASP.NET is not, in fact, as easy as everyone tells you it is. But it's not as much work as you might think, either. Here's what you need to do to start doing TDD in the real world with an existing ASP.NET MVC application.
Decisions, decisions. Here's why overloading will keep you out of trouble.
- By Kate Gregory
- 10/24/2016
If you've got a site that contains subsites and want to visually distinguish between those subsites (while still maintaining your site's visual integrity), consider nesting layouts within layouts.
When you have code that is called for many objects it's hard to go through all them and just check line by line. How can you more efficiently debug lots of code?
- By Bartlomiej Filipek
- 10/20/2016
Both the MediaElement and Player Framework provide rich, on-screen elements for controlling media playback. Here's how to use a Universal Windows Platform app to use both the System Media Transport Controls and Cortana to provide an alternative, more integrated player experience.
- By Nick Randolph
- 10/19/2016
If you're not using Const and Enums then you're just making life harder for the next programmer.