Dropout training is a relatively new algorithm which appears to be highly effective for improving the quality of neural network predictions. It's not yet widely implemented in neural network API libraries. Learn how to use dropout training if it's available in an existing system, or add dropout training to systems where it's not yet available.
- By James McCaffrey
- 05/13/2014
Kenny Kerr starts his new series about compiler basics by looking at how to use memory-mapped files to read the original source code.
Peter Vogel moves a Windows Form to a modern design pattern, which forces him to think about how his code should be divided up among his classes. In the end, he comes up with some rules for making those decisions.
Knockout custom binding handlers can help simplify integration with third-party JavaScript libraries. Here's how.
- By Patrick Steele
- 04/30/2014
Even in a Code First environment, you can call a stored procedure from a DbContext object. But it's a lot easier if you use the visual designer.
Connect to Twitter from a mobile application using OAuth with the Xamarin.Auth library, along with Joe Mayo's LINQ To Twitter library.
- By Wallace McClure
- 04/25/2014
To train a neural network you need some measure of error between computed outputs and the desired target outputs of the training data. The most common measure of error is called mean squared error. However, there are some research results that suggest using a different measure, called cross entropy error, is sometimes preferable to using mean squared error.
- By James McCaffrey
- 04/22/2014
Complex Types let you reuse structures in your database design. But unless you've been very lucky around the names in your database, you probably couldn't use Complex Types -- until Entity Framework 6, that is.
TypeScript provides native support both for organizing your application's client-side code into a set of modules, and for freeing you from having to manage the resulting script tags.
Learn about SQLite database engine internals so you can simplify your code and improve the performance of your applications.
The latest version of Entity Framework makes it easier to write asynchronous code. Here's how to write that code, and more important, where you'll actually find it useful.
The latest version of the technology works fine with the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 and Visual Studio 2010. Here's some of what's new (along with how to move your applications to EF6).
Nick Randolph demonstrates two techniques for using Visual States to change the layout of a Windows Phone User Control.
- By Nick Randolph
- 03/31/2014
Evolutionary optimization can be used to train a neural network. A virtual chromosome holds the neural network's weights and bias values, and the error term is the average of all errors between the network's computed outputs and the training data target outputs. Learn how to code the solution.
- By James McCaffrey
- 03/26/2014
Peter wraps up his look at offloading processing from the mainline of your application in order to improve response time by looking at processing message queues asynchronously.
Community involvement is an often overlooked -- but increasingly important -- part of what it means to be a developer.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 03/21/2014
SQLite is a tremendously useful database for C++ developers. In this follow-up, Kenny Kerr shows various techniques for improving performance even further.
Using Breeze and Knockout, you just need a few lines of TypeScript code to create a master/detail page that retrieves records from the server when it has to, but skips the trip to the server when it isn't necessary.
How to use MEF to add validation rule components to an ASP.NET MVC Web application.
Defining constants in your application is a good thing. But if you understand constants you can also decide when you don't need to use them, how to name them, when to set up exceptions to your names and -- the best thing -- when to replace them with parameters.
Part 1 presented six top tips for Visual Studio 2013. Part 2 wraps up the series with seven more tips that every developer needs to know about the latest version of the Visual Studio IDE.
- By Deborah Kurata
- 03/07/2014
You can do a lot more with regular expressions than you think. In this tutorial, you'll use it to convert a movie list into a CSV file for use in Excel.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 03/06/2014
Peter adds client-side update, delete and insert support to an ASP.NET application using TypeScript. Along the way he shows how TypeScript interface support allows you to integrate your objects with JavaScript libraries in TypeScript 0.9.5.
If you're using MSMQ to offload work from your Web site, you have a number of ways to pick up those messages, including processing those messages as soon as they turn up.
Nick Randolph takes MvvmCross for a spin and shows how quickly you can build an application for Windows Phone and other mobile platforms.
- By Nick Randolph
- 02/25/2014