Doing better takes time and is an incremental process.
- By Mark J. Balbes, Ph.D.
- 06/10/2013
James McCaffrey explains what neural network activation functions are and why they're necessary, and explores three common activation functions.
- By James McCaffrey
- 06/07/2013
Sometimes you need more than roles to effectively manage authorizing user requests. You can do that without moving to claims-based security in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 by creating your own user object.
One key change that will smooth your transition from ASP.NET to Windows 8 is to think like a designer from the outset.
- By Brandon Downing, Phillip Stewart
- 06/05/2013
The Prototype Pattern involves cloning objects. Learn how to create both deep and shallow clones for instances in your program where creating a new object won't work.
The decorator pattern is a good way to add extensibility to an application, as it follows SOLID design principles. Learn how to use it by adding validation logic to a form.
The first step in building an object in TypeScript is defining the objects with which you'll be working. I'll show you how to do that, as well as look at some of the TypeScript support for the latest versions of JavaScript.
Use the Apple iOS 6 social framework to deliver a compelling experience to your users.
- By Greg Shackles
- 05/24/2013
Predicate methods allow you to separate the criteria you're using to test items in a collection from the code that processes the collection. You may never write a For...Each loop again.
Use AJAX and some JavaScript libraries to decouple your data and presentation logic.
- By Patrick Steele
- 05/23/2013
Understanding the feed-forward mechanism is required in order to create a neural network that solves difficult practical problems such as predicting the result of a football game or the movement of a stock price.
- By James McCaffrey
- 05/10/2013
The IComparable interface lets you create objects that know how to sort themselves correctly. This interface also provides an example of a high-level strategy for building and extending your classes.
An overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework application security utilities SN.exe, Dotfuscator and SignTool.exe.
A new feature of Windows Store apps, utilizing background tasks will not only help circumvent some challenges from the Windows Store app lifecycle, but they can keep your app responsive to what's going on with the user's device.
- By Tony Champion
- 05/02/2013
Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (Ultimate Edition) includes a new tool to help visualize code relationships, and it's worth your time to learn.
- By Mickey Gousset
- 04/26/2013
Even if you're not working in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, .NET provides you with a way to create a read-only collection or to convert an existing List into a read-only collection.
Eric Vogel covers how to capture video in a Windows Store app by using the MediaCapture API.
Xamarin, which specializes in building tools that let developers build mobile apps in C#, has taken that idea one step further with Xamarin.iOS.
- By Wallace McClure
- 04/19/2013
Learn how to create a perceptron that can categorize inputs consisting of two numeric values.
- By James McCaffrey
- 04/16/2013
Eric Vogel covers how to capture a photo in a Windows Store App by using the MediaCapture API.
The Windows Phone 8 SDK added a speech recognition API that's easy to use and flexible. Learn how to put it to work in your application.
- By Michael Crump
- 04/09/2013
Documenting your code is a critical part of development, but too many developers pay too little attention to proper commenting. C++ devs have a tool that can help.
Work item tagging allows you to add searchable "keywords" to individual work items in TFS.
- By Mickey Gousset
- 04/01/2013
CSS3 media queries are the key to making responsive design work.
- By Rodrigo Munoz
- 04/01/2013
Eric Vogel demonstrates how to use the Windows Runtime MediaCapture API to record audio.