How To

Disabling Design Time Data in a Windows Phone Application

How to disable Expression Blend design time data at runtime.

Integrating Services into a WPF Composable Application

There are two strategies that you can follow in pulling together the modules that make up your WPF composable application: Central Control and Distributed Control. Here’s how to implement both of them.

A Live Tiles Tutorial

Live Tiles are images that update a pinned tile (icon) on the start screen of Windows Phone. They're used to offer updates to a user browsing the start screen, without having to open the application completely.

The Builder Pattern in .NET

How to separate complex object construction from its representation using the Builder design pattern in C#.

Working with Design and Runtime Data for Windows Phone

In part one of this series, Nick Randolph discusses the use of Expression Blend design-time data in Windows Phone applications.

What .NET Developers Must Know about C++ Classes

C++ does things differently than C# or Visual Basic, especially when it comes to class construction. Take this tour to learn about the differences.

Background Services in Mono for Android

Learn how to create background services by building a simple music player.

Adding Business Services in WPF with Prism and Unity

WPF with Prism and Unity allow you to create loosely-coupled applications that assemble themselves at run time. Here's how Prism and Unity allow you to dynamically integrate business logic into your application.

Make a Single-Choice List a Multi-Choice List with JavaScript

There's no way to tell just by looking at a list whether the list supports multiple or single selections.

Creating Modularity with WPF, Prism and Unity

If you're building Windows Presentation Foundation applications that will change over time or have some combination of complex workflows, rich user interaction, and significant presentation or business logic, Microsoft recommends that you add Prism and Unity to your toolkit. That's good advice.

Big Data in the Cloud

Microsoft has cooked up a feast of value-added big data cloud apps featuring Apache Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive and Pig, as well as free apps and utilities for numerical analysis, publishing data sets, data encryption, uploading files to SQL Azure and blobs.

Build a More Powerful CRM System with Visual Basic .NET Extensions

Accessing a customer relationship management system with a custom .NET application can add important functionality.

Windows 8: Advanced Live Tiles, Part 2

How to schedule live tile and badge updates in a Windows 8 application.

Mapping and Location in Windows Phone

Using Windows Phone's Map control and displaying multiple points using data binding.

Building a Simpler WebSockets Service

Peter pays a final visit to the WCF 4.5 WebSockets implementation to take advantage of the WebSocketService class and build a service in six lines of code (not counting configuration and client-side code, of course).

Working with Advanced Live Tiles in Windows 8

In part 1 of his series on advanced live tiles, Eric Vogel shows you how to add secondary tiles to your Windows 8 Metro style applications.

Creating an HTTP Service with ASP.NET Web API

ASP.NET Web API allows you to write a service once and provide different output formats with little effort on the developer's side.

Batched Gated Builds in Visual Studio 2012 TFS

Batched Gated Builds in Visual Studio 2012 TFS improves on the concept of gated builds by allowing you to specify a build definition to build more than one queued build at a time.

Working with Location in Windows Phone

When most people think of location, they assume this information comes from a GPS module. While this is true, Windows Phone also has support for determining location based on cell tower location and WiFi networks.

Building a JavaScript WebSockets Client

Create a JavaScript client that works with a WCF 4.5 WebSockets service to receive continuous, ongoing updates from the service.

Roaming Options for User Settings in Windows Phone Applications

Integrating with SkyDrive can help your Windows Phone application save a user's settings to the cloud, and retrieve them across multiple devices and platforms.

Enabling User-Updated Live Tiles in Windows 8

This tutorial demonstrates how to give users more power with the ability to customize live tiles in Metro style apps.

Windows Phone App Porting: Bridging the PhoneGap

PhoneGap is used for building mobile applications across a range of devices with JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. Learn how to use PhoneGap to build a Windows Phone application that can be easily ported to another phone.

Exceptional Async Handling with Visual Studio Async CTP 3

Handling exceptions in the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern has become much easier with the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Powerful JavaScript With Upshot and Knockout

The Microsoft JavaScript Upshot library provides a simplified API for retrieving data from the server and caching it at the client for reuse. Coupled with Knockout, the two JavaScript libraries form the pillars of the Microsoft client-side programming model.

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