Your UI could work exactly the way you intended it to work and still fail during usability testing.
Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (Ultimate Edition) includes a new tool to help visualize code relationships, and it's worth your time to learn.
- By Mickey Gousset
- 04/26/2013
Things won't happen as quickly for on-premises versions of Office.
Even if you're not working in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, .NET provides you with a way to create a read-only collection or to convert an existing List into a read-only collection.
Eric Vogel covers how to capture video in a Windows Store app by using the MediaCapture API.
In the first installment of Practical JavaScript, Peter Vogel describes how a client-side skeptic evolved into a JavaScript fan thanks to several tools and a book. He also shares why he's concerned about TypeScript and where he's going to take this .NET-oriented JavaScript column over the next few months.
Xamarin, which specializes in building tools that let developers build mobile apps in C#, has taken that idea one step further with Xamarin.iOS.
- By Wallace McClure
- 04/19/2013
Learn how to create a perceptron that can categorize inputs consisting of two numeric values.
- By James McCaffrey
- 04/16/2013
Microsoft hopes to compete more directly with tablets like the iPad Mini and Kindle Fire.
Eric Vogel covers how to capture a photo in a Windows Store App by using the MediaCapture API.
Peter Vogel compares both of the Microsoft dependency injection managers/inversion of control containers and comes up with a decision tree for picking the correct one.
The Rx library utilizes the power of LINQ to make difficult asynchronous problems simple.
- By Mark Michaelis, Allen Greaves
- 04/10/2013
Can Microsoft successfully straddle the fence between Windows desktop and the mobile app age? And what should you do about it?
- By Andrew J. Brust
- 04/09/2013
Syncfusion Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC includes more than four-dozen controls, half-a-dozen templates and several utilities, all of them useful. Documentation is lacking, though.
Documenting your code is a critical part of development, but too many developers pay too little attention to proper commenting. C++ devs have a tool that can help.
The framework is built on top of jQuery.
- By John K. Waters
- 04/03/2013
Work item tagging allows you to add searchable "keywords" to individual work items in TFS.
- By Mickey Gousset
- 04/01/2013
Microsoft releases Python Tools for Visual Studio 2.0 alpha.
- By Katrina Carrasco
- 03/22/2013
Learn how to play multimedia files with the Windows Runtime media API.
Use the open source Nancy Web framework to expose a Web-based configuration UI for a Windows service.
- By Patrick Steele
- 03/20/2013