.NET Framework

Leverage Lazy Loading in .NET 4.0

Lazy Loading is a programming pattern useful for resource-intensive objects.

HTML5 for ASP.NET Developers

The technologies bundled as HTML5 finally support what developers have been trying to get HTML to do for decades.

A Bit Unwise

Was "Calvin code" genius or tomfoolery?

Dynamically Loading Classes at Runtime

Making the right runtime design decisions can help -- or harm -- your program.

Using Razor with Visual Basic

Build a Web site using MVC 3 and the Razor View Engine.

Scale ASP.NET Apps Through Distributed Caching

High-transaction environments can use distributed caching to boost performance without major code changes.

Letters From Readers

Readers share opinions on LightSwitch, Team Foundation Server and more.

Client-Side Data Management with NetAdvantage for jQuery

Infragistics provides a toolkit for creating data-driven applications using client-side code that accesses a variety of data sources, both in the page and back on the client.

Windows Phone 7 Data Binding with Templates

Using Windows Phone 7 data binding to create customized lists.

Papa's Got a Brand New Mag

Keith Ward discusses his new position, and has questions for Microsoft's upcoming BUILD conference.

Advanced AOP Techniques

Aspect Oriented Programming is great for handling cross-cutting concerns such as logging, security, and threading.

Survey Reveals Shifting Cloud Attitudes

Developers increasingly prefer cloud-based development tooling.

Agile Management Suite Grows Up

Agile management tools are maturing as the market defines its needs.

Insider: Design Patterns and Dynamic Runtime Configuration

Peter Vogel helps you understand the benefits of dynamic loading at runtime.

Windows Phone 7 Orientation Primer

Nick Randolph walks through how to define, change and work with orientation within your Windows Phone application.

Take Advantage of XML Comments (Part 2)

On VB columnist Joe Kunk continues his examination of XML comments by extending the XML comment vocabulary with additional default tags in Visual Basic and showing how to process the resulting XML file into API-style reference documentation using the SandCastle Help File Builder.

Deep Dive: Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern

This article introduces the TAP and the associated .NET language changes that streamline asynchronous programming and extend the multithreading enhancements in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.

WCF: Creating Long-Running Services

Not all business operations finish in seconds. Using Windows Communication Foundation you can still create -- as a single project -- an application that supports business services that take hours (or days or weeks or months) to complete.

C# Questions Answered: Lambda, C# Traps, Unsafe Code

Patrick Steele responds to questions about Lambda properties, interface-based code, and unsubscribing from events, among others.

Ease .NET Code Documentation Pain

If you're documenting your .NET code for other developers, you should follow the standards that Microsoft has developed. Document! X 2011 for Visual Studio will make that job considerably faster and easier.

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