.NET Framework

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2: Better Live Preview, Hot Reload

While the first preview of Visual Studio 2022 focused on testing new 64-bit functionality, the new Preview 2 turns to improving nuts-and-bolts debugging, including better Live Preview, Hot Reload, Force Run and more.

.NET 6 Preview 6: 'Last Chance to Influence the Release'

Microsoft shipped .NET 6 Preview 6, saying the penultimate preview before the Release Candidate stage represents the last chance for developers to influence the release with actionable feedback.

TypeScript 4.4 Beta Boosts Performance, Suggests JavaScript Spelling

Microsoft has shipped a TypeScript v4.4 beta release, with new features ranging from performance improvements to spelling suggestions for JavaScript.

Google Releases Visual Studio Tool for Android Game Development

Google released a Visual Studio extension for creating gaming apps for Android, targeting C++ developers.

New .NET MAUI Workload Installation Detailed in 'Final Xamarin Podcast'

As Xamarin is being evolved into the new .NET MAUI mobile/desktop dev framework, Microsoft last week explained features such as a new command-line SDK workload installation experience during what the company called "The Final Xamarin Podcast."

GitHub Codespaces Alternative: AWS Cloud9, SSH & VS Code

Amazon Web Services offers up a remote development setup for Visual Studio Code developers that involves an SSH connection to leverage the AWS Cloud9 IDE and other functionality.

Microsoft Eyes Visual Studio Accessibility: Focus Mode, Audio Cues, Whitespace Rendering, More

Microsoft is seeking developer feedback on accessibility, seeking to go beyond "good enough" with possible new features like focus mode, audio cues and more.

GitHub Copilot, an AI Pair Programmer, Is Coming to VS Code/Visual Studio

A new "AI pair programmer" represents a breakthrough in the third revolution of software development: the use of AI in coding, says GitHub CEO Nat Friedman.

ML.NET Now Works on ARM Devices and Blazor WebAssembly

ML.NET -- an open source, cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET devs -- now works on ARM64 and Apple M1 devices, and on Blazor WebAssembly, with some limitations for each.

New WinForms Default Font API: 'It Is Easy to Go Wild with This API'

Developers can now set an application-wide default font for WinForms projects with a new API.

Red Shapes

Infragistics Updates UI/UX Tooling for Blazor, WinForms, WPF and More

A new update to Infragistics UI/UX tooling enhances many components that target .NET-centric developers, including Blazor, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and more.

Compiled Models Quicken App Startups in Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5

Some six years in the making, an effort to quicken app startup times in Entity Framework Core via compiled models has been realized in the new v6.0 Preview 5.

What's New in .NET MAUI Preview 5

Microsoft continues to enhance .NET MAUI (.NET Multi-platform App UI), improving animations, view transformations and single page templates, along with porting of several UI components from Xamarin.Forms, the mobile dev framework which .NET MAUI is evolving.

Hot Reload Leads ASP.NET Core Updates in .NET 6 Preview 5

In the brand-new .NET 6 Preview 5, the dev team has furthered Hot Reload functionality in the ASP.NET Core component, used for web development.

First Visual Studio 2022 Preview Focuses on Testing 64-bit Support

The first preview for the landmark Visual Studio 2022 edition is out, focusing on 64-bit support as opposed to new features.

.NET 6 Preview 5 Highlights SDK Workloads, the Foundation of .NET Unification

"The future has truly arrived," said Microsoft's Richard Lander in announcing the new .NET 6 Preview 5.

New VS Code Tool Eases GitHub Browsing/Editing, No Cloning Required

A new Remote Repositories preview extension lets developers working in Visual Studio Code remotely browse and edit GitHub repos, without having to clone them locally and then open them up in the popular, open source-based code editor.

Visual Studio 2019 v16.11 Preview 2 Improves Git Tooling

Microsoft shipped Visual Studio 2019 v16.11 Preview 2, a nondescript release most notable for improvements to Git tooling.

Quick Tip: Use Quick Actions/Refactorings to Learn C#

With advanced IntelliSense/IntelliCode functionality continually being infused into Visual Studio 2019, some developers are using the Quick Actions and Refactorings light bulb to learn new C# coding tricks.

Bugs Fixed as Project Reunion v0.8 Nears Stability in New Release Candidate

The Project Reunion dev team fixed a bunch of bugs in the new v0.8 RC as Microsoft's evolution of the Windows desktop app development platform nears stability.

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