
UPDATED: Browser-Makers Seek Clickjacking Fix

What is clickjacking? Security pros are trying to make sense of a new bug found by researchers that apparently affects various Web browsers, including Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Microsoft Takes Stock, and Ballmer Hits the Road

Microsoft has been sending signals to investors this week amidst a U.S. economy teetering on the edge of a major financial meltdown.

Windows 7 Bits To Be Released at PDC'08

Microsoft hopes to draw crowds to its upcoming Professional Developers Conference by making Windows 7 bits available to the public attending the event.

UPDATED: Microsoft Targets Windows HPC Server 2008 for Mainstream

Microsoft released on Monday Windows HPC Server 2008, the datacenter-class operating system that promises to broaden the development and implementation of high-performance computing applications on the Windows platform.

Cloud Computing Leaving Relational Databases Behind

One thing you won't find underlying a cloud computing initiative is a relational database. And this is no accident: Relational databases are ill-suited for use within cloud computing environments.

More Windows 7 Leaks Sprout

Microsoft's strategy for keeping recent builds of its latest operating system tightly under wraps sprang a few holes last week.

Observers At ZendCon Ponder What's Next For Microsoft and PHP

Despite speculation that Microsoft might make an announcement around its Silverlight runtime environment at Zend/PHP Conference and Expo, the company's profile was lower than past events.

Microsoft To Expand Security Lifecycle Expertise

Microsoft is crossing the aisles to see the security process through from start to finish -- not just internally, but for outside software developers too.

Private Tests of Windows 7 Lead to Release Rumors

Microsoft won't say when the first public beta release of its Windows 7 operating system will occur, but some possible dates have been anonymously leaked.

SQL Injection Attack Hits BusinessWeek Site

Security firm Sophos disclosed on Monday that BusinessWeek magazine's Web site had been hacked.

Timesheet Tracker Targets VS.NET

TeamExpand has announced a commercial version of its TX Chrono product.

Components Vendor Puts Icons on the Menu

Infragistics Inc. is adding icon packs to its UI tools arsenal.

Cray Unveils CX1 Supercomputer for Office Use

Cray Inc., in conjunction with Intel and Microsoft, on Tuesday unveiled a relatively low-cost supercomputer that works in office environments.

Ranorex Studio Automates Testing Tasks

Austria-based testing-tools vendor Ranorex GmbH has released an automated application-testing solution targeting Windows, .NET and Web development.

Timesheet Tracker Targets VS.NET

TeamExpand releases commercial version of TX Chrono, its Web-based timesheet-tracking application for Visual Studio.

Google Chrome Shakes Browser Market

Google announces Chrome, a Web browser that will challenge Internet Explorer, Firefox and other market leaders.

Components Vendor Puts Icons on the Menu

Infragistics unveils new icon packs to improve application navigation and enhance Web sites.

VMworld Preview: VMware's Vision of Virtualization as the OS

The annual VMworld user conference gets underway today in Las Vegas, with the event's host betting big on a new strategy that redefines its market-leading virtualization management products.

Outsourcing Team Foundation Server

Phase 2 International offers hosted SaaS solution for Microsoft's Team Foundation Server.

Ranorex Studio Automates Testing Tasks

Testing tools vendor Ranorex releases automated application-testing solution for Windows, .NET and Web development.

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