Web Development

Visual F# Tools, TypeScript: A Tale of Two Releases

The Microsoft development teams responsible for Visual F# and TypeScript recently provided their respective communities with some insight into their development efforts moving forward, now that the Visual Studio 2017 release hubbub has cleared. The goal with the insights via two recent blog posts, it seems, is toward more transparency.

C# and VB Data Conversion in a World of Cruel Users

While Visual Basic is a bit more forgiving with data conversions, you'll need to jump through some hoops to do similar conversions in C#.

Move Beyond Factory Methods with the Builder Pattern in C#/Visual Basic

When your objects get sufficiently complicated to create, it's time to simplify your life by moving to the Builder pattern. The Builder pattern is not only a great pattern for creating complicated objects, it supports your application's further evolution.

Azure Service Fabric Gets Open Source Treatment

Azure Service Fabric team hopes to spur improvements to Service Fabric .NET SDK through the open source community. ASF and the SDK have also recently been updated.

R Tools for VS Plug-In Launches

It's at 1.0, with a version supporting Visual Studio 2017 to follow some time in May.

VB-.NET Refactoring Tool Adds VS 2017 Support

Mobilize.net now has support for Visual Studio 2017 for users of its VB-to-.NET code migration tool.

Errors on Unused Sections in ASP.NET MVC Views

If you don't use a section in a View, then you'll get an error. But you may not find out until it's too late.

Visual Studio Code 1.10 Updates Workbench, Previews a Code Minimap

Visual Studio Code's February Build is now available, and it sports quite a few updates having to do with the workbench and debugging features, and includes a preview of a new code view.

Xamarin.Forms -- Caching for the ListView

Similar to the UITableView in iOS and ListView in Android, the XF version can be used to cache images for use in other locations of an application.

Investigating Exceptions Causing Web Site Havoc

A stepped approach using traditional tools in Visual Studio and third-party solutions to troubleshoot and debug Web application issues.

Checking Up on Your Entity Framework Objects with DbEntityEntry

The Entity Framework DbEntityEntry object lets you do all sorts of things you probably didn't think were possible, including getting the latest data from the database (without losing your current data) and invoking the .NET Framework validation subsystem.

Set HtmlHelpers Parameters Using Anonymous Objects in ASP.NET

If you're passing an anonymous object to an HtmlHelper method (to ActionLink, for example), you might want to consider using that anonymous object to eliminate one of the other parameters.

The Key to Cross-Platform Coding is .NET Everywhere

No longer a pipe dream, cross-platform coding has been made fairly straightforward and nearly ordinary with tools from Xamarin and others. At VSLive!, Microsoft's James Montemagno demonstrated the ease with which cross-platform apps can be delivered without venturing too far from the C# space.

Revealing Secrets with R and Factor Analysis

Let's use this classical statistics technique -- and some R, of course -- to get to some of the latent variables hiding in your data.

All of Visual Studio 2017 Visually In One Suite Release

Nifty, printable info graphic shows everything new and updated in the latest developer suite.

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