ASP.NET Processing in ASP.NET MVC

Peter Vogel wraps up his series on ASP.NET MVC, for now, by mapping some typical ASP.NET tasks to ASP.NET MVC.

How to Validate Forms with ASP.NET MVC 2 Data Annotations

Simplify the task of validating Web form input by using attributes. If standard validators don't meet your needs, you can create custom data annotations for richer validations.

Managing Models in ASP.NET MVC

Peter Vogel looks at the least important component of the ASP.NET MVC, the Model, and goes on to discuss a strategy for integrating the model, the controller and the view.

Viewing Views in ASP.NET MVC

Peter continues his look ASP.NET MVC for ASP.NET developers (using the brand new version of ASP.NET MVC) by linking a view to a controller.

Controlling Controllers in ASP.NET MVC

Peter Vogel begins his series on introducing ASP.NET developers to ASP.NET MVC by looking at the C in MVC: Controllers

ASP.NET MVC for the ASP.NET Programmer

Peter begins a series on educating traditional ASP.NET developers in the latest version of ASP.NET MVC. But first he looks at why he is not an ASP.NET MVC developer.

SpeechCycle RPA Express Powers Voice Apps

Visual Studio-based development tool and ASP.NET-based app server enables rich phone applications.

Passing Data Between Pages Using the ASP.NET MenuItem

Sometimes, when the user clicks on a menu choice, you want to pass some data based on the page's content. Here's how to dynamically alter a menu control based on the data on the page.

Drive Your Menus from a Database Table

If you'd rather keep your menu structure in a table in your database instead of a file in your Web site, here's all the code you need to implement a database-driven menuing system.

Load Testing with Visual Studio 2010

In part 2 of his series on Web performance testing and load testing in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Ben Day explains how to set up a load test rig to determine how well your application performs with multiple users.

Managing Menus with a Custom Menu Provider

Creating your own module for managing menus is not only ridiculously easy, but opens the door for adding any other enhancements that you can think of.

Extending Client-Side Programming in ASP.NET 4

ASP.NET 4 adds a wealth of features for client-side developers, including new ways of instantiating controls, a new infrastructure for managing libraries and some minor but much-needed tweaks. And there's more.

Managing Menus

Peter considers two solutions for keeping items in the sitemap off of your Menu or TreeView controls. But he's also wondering if there are more solutions out there.

Is There a Future in Server-Side Code?

Peter Vogel closes out his eight-part series on creating an AJAX-enabled ASP.NET application.

Handling Multiple Records in the Client

Peter moves on from working with one record to working with multiple records and explores Microsoft's current templating solution.

Updating Data with the dataContext and WCF Data Services

Peter moves on from simply retrieving data from the server using the dataContext and dataView to doing updates, deletes and inserts.

Retrieving and Displaying a Single Object with dataView and WCF

Continuing his investigation of what works and doesn't work with the AJAX library and .NET 4, Peter Vogel continues to explore how to retrieve data from the client... and discovers that it can be very easily done.

Using the dataView and dataContext: What Doesn't Work (Yet)

Peter Vogel discusses what you can't do in marrying ASP.NET server-side controls with client-side data access.

Accessing Server-Side Data from Client-Side Code in .NET 4

Peter uses the new dataView and dataContext objects from the AJAX Toolkit to create a data-driven page without server-side code.

DotNetNuke Do-Over: CMS Update Fixes Bugs in Version 5.4

DotNetNuke got 5.4 out a week after ASP.NET 4 was released to the Web, but some developers ran into significant issues when they tested the technology.

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