PowerBuilder Revved with .NET Hooks

Sybase PowerBuilder 11.1 adds .NET enhancements.

Build Web Apps With Java

The inaugural Google Web Toolkit (GWT) conference in San Francisco featured a conversation with Joshua Bloch, Google's chief Java architect. He was interviewed by Greg Doench, an executive editor with Pearson Technology Group, which includes book publishers such as Addison-Wesley Professional, Prentice Hall Professional, Que, Sams and Peachpit Press.

WaveMaker Unveils Visual Web Dev Tool and Framework

WaveMaker Software unveiled two new developer solutions this week: WaveMaker Visual Assembly Studio and WaveMaker Rapid Deployment Framework for Enterprise Web 2.0. The former is designed to provide enterprise departmental developers with a visual dev tool for building data-driven Web apps. The latter enables those apps to be deployed to industry-standard Java app servers.

Head of Web Programming

Scott Guthrie shares his views on the new Web and client development tools in Visual Studio 2008.

ASP.NET on Rails, Finally

ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions brings Ruby on Rails’ functionality to ASP.NET.

Microsoft Releases ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview

Nothing has prevented ASP.NET developers from using a model view controller (MVC) architecture. But it's likely to get a lot easier with Microsoft's ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions, which will include the highly anticipated MVC option. The first preview of the technology was released today.

Microsoft Releases Entity Framework Beta 3

Microsoft released Entity Framework Beta 3 on Dec. 6 and officially announced the third-party database vendors and ADO.NET 2.0 data providers that have agreed to support the framework.

Microsoft Sparks Volta Test For Multi-Tier App Dev

Volta toolset, used with Visual Studio 2008, promises easier deployment of apps beyond the .NET world.

Infragistics Updates Controls

Infragistics releases new tools for WPF, ASP.NET and Silverlight.

VS 2008 Ready this Month

Microsoft set to unveil Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5.

Natural Language Gets AJAX Support

Software AG recently unveiled Natural for AJAX, a variant of Software AG's Natural 2006 programming language. Natural 2006 is typically used at the enterprise level for transactional systems running on mainframes.

Testing AJAX Applications with VSTS 2008

Jeff walks you through the new method of validating AJAX code in Visual Studio Team System 2008 (no Fiddler required!).

Microsoft Official: AJAX More than Eye Candy

Microsoft official: AJAX has reached maturity in enterprises.

Tool Ports VB.NET to Java

New tool assists in Visual Basic-to-Java translation.

Domain-Specific Languages

Develop your own graphical languages with Microsoft's DSL Tools.

Speed AJAX Development With ATF

Businesses running data-intensive Web applications need Web pages that can update incrementally. The technology to do so has been accelerated since 2005, with the advent of open standards such as AJAX, which is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript (JS) and eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

Improve Business Productivity With AJAX and SOA

AJAX rich Internet applications (RIAs) on clients and service-oriented architecture (SOA) on servers are combining to produce more effective business software.

Will the Real .NET 3.0 Please Stand Up?

If .NET 3.0 slipped under your radar, you're not alone.

DXperience 7.2: Impress Users with the Latest Skins

Get your grids, charts, reports and more.

Enterprise Web 2.0: More Than a Facelift

There are important differences between consumer Web 2.0 applications and next-gen Web apps in the enterprise, said Oracle's Chief Architect Ted Farrell, and developers who want their applications to succeed in the latter environment need to appreciate those differences.

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