How To

Creating a True Value Object

You can dramatically simplify your code by using classes to define read-only/immutable objects … but to create classes that behave correctly requires a little bit of redirection.

Parameter Sweeps, or How I Took My Neural Network for a Test Drive

The short definition of a parameter sweep is that it's the process of trying different training parameter values in order to find a good set of neural network weight values.

Creating a Value Object that Developers Can Use

You can dramatically simplify your code by using value objects, but to create a value object that makes sense to the developer who uses it, you need to redefine what the equals sign means. Along the way, Peter points out some problems when you don't use classes to define your data.

Solving Sliding Tiles with Artificial Intelligence (and Some C#)

True artificial intelligence is years away. But we can demonstrate the challenges of AI decisionmaking using C# to derive solutions for the classic sliding tiles puzzle.

ASP.NET MVC 6 and Tag Helpers, Part 2

Now that you know how to create tag helpers, let's create a custom one that loads a bootstrap-select dropdown via a remote URI.

Implementing Strategy Pattern and Callbacks in TypeScript

The TypeScript datatyping support not only applies to simple variables, it also supports you when doing clever things with functions. Specifically, TypeScript ensures you create reliable code when implementing callback functions.

Using Predicates in Akka.NET Receive Actors

Create precise logic dictating which messages an actor will handle and how they will react to them.

Modelling Actor Behaviors in Akka.NET

Simplify conditional actor code and improve readability.

Hosting JavaScript in a Windows 10 App

An introduction to the Chakra JavaScript engine and how it can be used within a Windows 10 app to execute JavaScript.

A More Efficient Text Pattern Search Using a Trie Class in .NET

The trie data structure is one alternative method for searching text that can be more efficient than traditional search approaches. Here's a trie class you can create in C#.

Simplifying Applications by Implementing Eventual Consistency with Domain Events

Implementing Domain Events can dramatically simplify your application while also making it more scalable. Here are some of the implementation options available to you in the .NET environment.

Step Up To Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural networks can solve some types of problems that regular feed-forward networks cannot handle.

How To Consume a WebAPI with RestSharp

The open source library RestSharp is designed to make consuming APIs from .NET easy and work across platforms.

Creating a Genuine Value Object

Peter addresses reader's concerns by showing how to implement a read-only/immutable value object.

Deploying Microservices Architecture with C#, Part 2

Now that we've got the basics of microservices, what happens when we take into production? It's time to make sure your message reaches its intended targets.

Deploying Microservices Architecture with C#, Part 1

What's all the hubbub with microservices? The benefits are in application management and delivery. Paul Mooney shows how in this sample C# app.

Where JavaScript and SharePoint Apps Intersect

SharePoint is versatile, in that developers can interact with its data via other programming languages besides what's in Visual Studio. Here's how AngularJS fits into the development mix.

Managing Functions in TypeScript

Functions in TypeScript aren't handled the way you'd expect, based on any other language (including JavaScript). Fortunately, because of the way TypeScript handles functions, you're protected from a common JavaScript error (in addition to getting better IntelliSense support and compile-time checking, of course).

It's Universal: Understanding the Lifecycle of a Windows 10 Application

Nick Randolph pulls apart the lifecycle of a Windows 10 application and reveals what goes on programmatically when users launch, switch between and close Windows 10 apps.

Building a Better MVC Helper

Readers suggest ways to build a powerful HtmlHelper that simplifies creating typical application Views. Along the way, Peter uses a workaround for extending an anonymous object with additional properties and shows how to extract values from a lambda expression in a View.

Native Services with Xamarin.Forms? It's DependencyService to the Rescue

Sometimes you need to make platform-specific calls. That's where DependencyService comes in handy.

Strategies for Isolating Applications

If you're not careful, you'll replace your huge, lumbering unmaintainable enterprise applications with a web of applications that can't be changed without blowing each other up. But if you apply the same tools you use inside your applications to your application architecture, you can avoid that.

The Power of Command Pattern with SharePoint

Command pattern helps to encapsulate a request as an object and lets you parameterize clients with queues, all while supporting undoable operations. I'll explain how to use command pattern using an example in which we create a list in SharePoint with Visual Studio.

How To Reuse Neural Network Models

Neural network models can be created, saved and reused. Here's how.

Distributed Concurrent Actor Models with Akka.NET

Ease the pain of concurrent programming with the Actor Model and Akka.NET.

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