How To

Database Synchronization with the Microsoft Sync Framework

Use the Microsoft Sync Framework to synchronize data changes between SQL Server 2008 Standard, SQL Server 2008 Express and SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5.

C++ Pointers Get Smart

C++ pointers earned a bad reputation for causing memory leaks, but new smart pointers release memory as it stops being referenced.

Writing a WCF 4.5 WebSocket Service

Peter Vogel continues his exploration of WCF 4.5's support for WebSockets by writing the code to accept data from the client and then return data to the client whenever that data becomes available.

The .NET Framework 4.5 Gets ZIP

On VB columnist Joe Kunk shows you how to create and extract "almost" .ZIP files in .NET Framework 4 and standard .ZIP files in .NET Framework 4.5.

Azure Performance Tips, Part 2: Cloud Checks

Visual Studio test tools, profiling, performance counters, and the SQL Azure Management Console provide a snapshot as to how the app performs.

Fluent Interface Design in .NET

Eric Vogel shows you how to simplify the consumption of your API by adding a fluent interface design.

Storing Windows Phone User Settings

Persisting user settings in Windows Phone is something every mobile developer needs to know how to do. Nick Randolph walks you through the process.

Implementing WebSockets in WCF 4.5

Peter introduces WCF 4.5's support for WebSockets first by describing why you care and then by setting up to build a bi-directional service using Windows Server 8, and Visual Studio 11.

Plug in to Mono for Android for Lights, Camera and Video Apps

Multimedia is expected in today's mobile applications, and the fun isn't only for smartphone and tablet users. Mono for Android, based on the Mono project's open source implementation of the Microsoft .NET Framework, can help you take advantage of Android Camera APIs in Visual Studio.

Test Driving a JavaScript MVC Framework

Peter looks at Knockout, one of the MVC environments for writing client-side JavaScript, and wonders if we're on the wrong path.

Better Debugging With Mono

The latest Android SDK provides an emulator with improved debugging capabilities. Mono for Android developers will appreciate the upgrades.

Page Navigation with Windows Phone and Windows 8

Nick Randolph continues to look at building applications across both Windows Phone and Windows 8, this time focusing on the navigation model.

The .NET Command Pattern, Part 2

How to implement an undo/redo system using the Command pattern in the .NET Framework.

Hidden Improvements in Visual Basic 11

Visual Basic 11 contains many enhancements you may not have noticed.

Converting Windows Phone to Windows 8

Migrating a photo-sharing Windows Phone application to run under Windows 8.

Entity Framework Code-First Migrations

Code First Migrations allow for database changes to be implemented all through code. Through the use of Package Manager Console (PMC), commands can be used to scaffold database changes.

The Command Pattern in .NET

In Part 1 of this series, Eric Vogel walks you through a software design pattern that is commonly used to handle UI interactions.

Adding Client-Side Validation in ASP.NET MVC 3

By having your Data Annotations implement the IClientValidatable interface, you can make it easy for developers to integrate your client-side validation into your Views.

Using Aspect-Oriented Programming to Initialize and Connect WPF Commands

See how a simple interceptor can help reduce the amount of coding needed to initialize your Windows Presentation Foundation ICommand properties.

Integrating Validation with the Entity Framework

Validation should begin as close to your database as possible: in your Entity Framework entities. Here's how you can integrate validation code into both the entities the Entity Framework generates and the ones you write.

Code Reuse with External Templates and Knockout.js

External templates allow you to reduce the code in your main HTML page, and reuse it in multiple places.

Working with ListBoxes in a Windows Phone Application

By overriding templates, you can modify the look and feel of the ListBox without changing the underlying behavior.

Integrating Bing Maps With WPF

Bing Maps moves beyond Silverlight and AJAX with the new native WPF Control, which enables you to build interactive tools for visualizing geographical data on the desktop.

Working with the Windows Phone Application Bar

Nick Randolph shows how to create and work with the Application Bar in your Windows Phone application.

Using Push Notifications in Windows 8

Eric Vogel walks through how to send and receive push notifications in a Windows 8 Metro application.

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