How To

5 Traps to Avoid in Visual Basic

Visual Basic .NET possesses naturally expressive syntax that is almost always clear in its intent. Even so, there are still surprises in Visual Basic that can trip up even experienced VB developers.

JavaScript Controls with WCF and ASP.NET

Peter moves ahead with integrating a sophisticated client-side JavaScript control but this time, he's using WCF to implement his Web services. Along the way, though, he gets ASMX services to work.

Working With a Client-Side AJAX Control

If you're going to work with AJAX you should be, at least, considering using "pure" client-side code to create your UI. Peter looks at a popular (and free) JavaScript grid.

Visual Studio 2010 Tips: Debug WCF Services in Silverlight Apps

Learn how to create WCF services that are easier to troubleshoot and take advantage of the lightweight WCF configuration options offered in Visual Studio 2010.

Using Memory-Mapped Files in the .NET Framework 4

Find out how to use memory-mapped files to index and search the contents of document collections.

Visual Studio 2010 Tips: How to Use jQuery UI Controls in ASP.NET MVC 2

Dive a little deeper into how the jQuery script works and learn how to use the DatePicker control with ASP.NET MVC templates.

Unit Testing and ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET MVC and test-driven development show the future of delivering reliable applications. While Visual Studio 2010 enables you to integrate server-side testing into ASP.NET development, client-side testing presents a challenge.

C#: The Good, Bad and Ugly

It's almost 2011. The Microsoft .NET Framework and C# have been publicly available for almost 10 years -- longer if you count the early betas.

Microsoft How-To: Scrum for Everyone

Working with the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0 process template.

Fixing Bad Code from a Contractor

Brandon hired a software development contractor to create a Web portal using ASP.NET to complete a custom software solution for one of his company's Software as a Service customers.

Extending Enum

The Enum or enumeration is one of the fundamental constructs in the .NET Framework, serving as an easy-to-remember set of names for a series of fixed values that are logically related. It turns out that there is a surprising amount to know about the Enum construct.

5 C# Traps to Avoid

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele offers a heads up on five gotchas that can trip up even veteran C# programmers.

Lab Management in Visual Studio2010

Visual Studio Lab Management promises to streamline thorny debug and test challenges by enabling an efficient, virtualized test environment.

How to Validate Forms with ASP.NET MVC 2 Data Annotations

Simplify the task of validating Web form input by using attributes. If standard validators don't meet your needs, you can create custom data annotations for richer validations.

SQL Server 2008 R2 for the Developer

Microsoft extends its enterprise-capable database platform with powerful new management and scalability features -- and there's plenty in the latest rev for developers.

Visual Studio Debug Tips (Part 3): Disabled DataForm

Kathleen Dollard closes up her guidance on debugging code in Visual Studio with some troubleshooting of a disabled DataForm.

Visual Studio Debug Tips and Strategies (Part 1 of 3)

Improvements in the latest Microsoft IDE and underused features in Visual Studio 2008 support common debugging strategies to help you write better code. (Part 1 of 3)

Visual Studio Debug Tips (Part 2): Beat the No Repro Problem

In the second installment of her series of tips and strategies for debugging code in Visual Studio, Kathleen Dollard looks into valuable resources like the TraceSource class.

Working with Windows 7 Thumbnails

In the second of two Windows 7-themed columns, Patrick Steele looks at how to get the most out of thumbnails with the Windows API CodePack.

How to Get Oriented with a New Database

On VB author Joe Kunk shows how you can quickly discover the orientation of an unknown database using dynamic queries.

Inversion of Control Patterns for the Microsoft .NET Framework

Explore new ways to manage dependencies in your applications with Inversion of Control containers and Dependency Injection.

Exploit Multi-Core Processors with .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010

If you want to take advantage of the power of multi-core machines, you need to start creating applications with parallel processing using PLINQ, the Task Parallel Library and the new features of Visual Studio 2010.

Debugging Applications with IntelliTrace

The new IntelliTrace feature in Visual Studio 2010 promises to eliminate the pernicious scourge of "no repro" bugs by giving developers a detailed view of what happened during execution when a bug was filed. Here's how you can get started with IntelliTrace.

Tap into the Power of Visual Studio

Daily coding is a lot easier when you know how to use Visual Studio effectively. To optimize your experience with the latest Microsoft IDE, try these practical tips and shortcuts. (Part 1 of 3)

Tap into the Power of Visual Studio

Daily coding is a lot easier when you know how to use Visual Studio effectively. To optimize your experience with the latest Microsoft IDE, try these practical tips and shortcuts. (Part 2 of 3)

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