Building Web Apps with SignalR, Part 1

In the first installment of app-building with SignalR, learn how to build a real-time chat application.

Integrating SharePoint Web Parts: Providers, Filters and More

Creating connectable Web Parts is a good thing for you and your users -- and the default interfaces that come with SharePoint form the architecture you should use to create those Web Parts.

Data Platform Innovation, Without Disruption

What's next on the data frontier? Microsoft will take us into the world of in-memory transactional databases and big data. And if you know how to write code and queries against SQL Server, then you already have the necessary skills to play there.

Implementing the Default SharePoint Interfaces with Lists

Peter returns to creating a provider WebPart, but this time passes SharePoint list data from one WebPart to another.

Dev Disasters -- Why They Happen, How to Overcome Them

Learn lessons about your own code through the errors committed by other developers.

Microsoft Releases Visual Studio 2012 Update 1

Should you wait for Service Pack 1? The new Update model is replacing Service Packs, according to Microsoft.

Build an ASP.NET JavaScript Generator

ASP.NET provides a wealth of options for dynamically integrating JavaScript into your client-side pages. And by adding T4 into the mix, you can generate, at runtime, exactly the client-side code that your page needs.

Load Testing with Custom Performance Counters

Tracking down performance problems in your application can be a frustrating experience. Reduce your stress levels with custom counters.

Visual Studio 2012 Launch Highlights Tools for Modern Apps

With more than 600,000 downloads of Visual Studio 2012 in a less than 4 weeks, the new IDE has the fastest download rate in the product's history.

Simplify WCF Development by Hosting a WCF Service Library in an ASP.NET Project

Develop and test in a WCF Service Library project while hosting your application in an ASP.NET project.

Posting Data to ASP.NET Sites with the ASP.NET Web API

Peter returns to the ASP.NET Web API in Visual Studio 2012 to use it with ASP.NET. And this time, he's moving complete objects from the client up to the server in an HTTP POST.

Ensuring WCF Routing Flexibility

Windows Communication Foundation routing lets you decouple your service consumers and providers to give you the flexibility to modify and extend your services without disrupting your clients.

Comprehensive Testing with Telerik Test Studio

Test Studio brings together the tools to fully test your applications -- provided your team is willing to make the commitment to using it.

Navigating Between Views in WPF and Prism

Prism's Navigation API makes it a lot easier to swap Views in and out of regions in your Window -- assuming you give Prism enough information to do the job right.

ASP.NET: Build Your Own Security Framework with SetAuthCookie

All of ASP.NET's security/membership support boils down to generating a cookie that allows the user access to your site's folders.

Adding Business Services in WPF with Prism and Unity

WPF with Prism and Unity allow you to create loosely-coupled applications that assemble themselves at run time. Here's how Prism and Unity allow you to dynamically integrate business logic into your application.

Make a Single-Choice List a Multi-Choice List with JavaScript

There's no way to tell just by looking at a list whether the list supports multiple or single selections.

Creating Modularity with WPF, Prism and Unity

If you're building Windows Presentation Foundation applications that will change over time or have some combination of complex workflows, rich user interaction, and significant presentation or business logic, Microsoft recommends that you add Prism and Unity to your toolkit. That's good advice.

Building Mobile UIs Just Like Windows Forms

The Gizmox Enterprise Mobile development package is a clever -- perhaps brilliant -- hack that lets you create mobile Web-based applications in a Windows Forms-like IDE.

Telerik Ships Q2 2012 Dev Tools, Previews Metro Toolkit

The beta of the Metro tooling, which supports Windows 8 development for the desktop and tablets, is expected sometime this summer.

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