SQL Server and SDS

Q&A on Entity Framework for Enterprise Applications with Ben Day

What do you do when your simple EF app isn't so simple anymore and entity relationships are getting complex and you're getting worried about performance problems. Can you even use EF in a high-performance, scalable web application?

See Updated 'What's New' Docs for Entity Framework 7 Release Candidate 1

With Microsoft developers focused on finishing touches ahead of the November debut of Entity Framework 7, the company has updated the corresponding "what's new" documentation to help keep track of all the changes while shipping Release Candidate 1.

Multi-Class Classification Using New PyTorch Best Practices, Part 2: Training, Accuracy, Predictions

Following new best practices, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research revisits multi-class classification for when the variable to predict has three or more possible values.

Multi-Class Classification Using PyTorch, Part 1: New Best Practices

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research updates previous tutorials with new, cutting-edge deep neural machine learning techniques.


ANOVA Using C#

One use case for the analysis of variance statistics technique is asking if student performances are the same in three classrooms taught by the same teacher but with different textbooks, says Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research.

Entity Framework 7 Preview 7 Adds & Improves Interceptors

Entity Framework 7 Preview 7 is all about Interceptors, used for working with EF Core operations.

New '.NET Data Hub' Is One-Stop-Shop for .NET Data Handling

"A new .NET Data landing page will help .NET developers quickly navigate to the area of interest."

The LogBeta and LogGamma Functions Using C#

With no built-in functions for classical statistics analyses in the .NET library, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains how to roll your own from scratch.

White and Blue Boxes Graphic

Lightweight Mathematical Combinations Using C#

After previously discussing permutations, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses step-by-step examples and full code presentations to explore combinations.

Why No Full SQL Server Reporting/Integration Services in Visual Studio 2022?

Visual Studio 2022 has been out for some eight months now, but it still lacks full support for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), a top feature request.

Microsoft Calls Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6 the 'Performance Edition'

"Performance is always high on our priorities in EF Core," Microsoft said in announcing the new Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6 release, which the company dubbed the "performance edition."

VS Code and Python: A Natural Fit for Data Science

Exploring the special relationship among VS Code, Python and data science, which has resulted in nearly 158 million installs of related Microsoft dev tools and numerous No. 1 rankings in various surveys.

Lightweight Mathematical Permutations Using C#

Get ready to use the BigInteger data type as Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research demonstrates zero-based mathematical permutations with C#.

New Previews for .NET 7, EF7, ASP.NET Core and .NET MAUI RC3

Microsoft shipped fourth previews for .NET 7 (including ASP.NET Core) and Entity Framework 7, along with an unusual Release Candidate 3 for .NET MAUI, the evolution of Xamarin.Forms that adds support for building desktop apps.

Update Pipeline Improved in Entity Framework Core 7

Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) Preview 3 is out with improvements to the update pipeline along with initial preview support for scaffolding (database-first) templates and more.

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