Managing Change with Team Foundation Server

Jeff walks you through best practices when using Team System.

'Volta': Extending.NET to Multi-Tier Apps

Last month, Redmond released an early build of "Volta," a set of tools for building Web apps that run across multiple tiers.

ASP.NET on Rails, Finally

ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions brings Ruby on Rails’ functionality to ASP.NET.

Microsoft Releases Entity Framework Beta 3

Microsoft released Entity Framework Beta 3 on Dec. 6 and officially announced the third-party database vendors and ADO.NET 2.0 data providers that have agreed to support the framework.

Microsoft PDC Is Back On

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference is back on the roster for October 2008 in L.A.

Microsoft Sparks Volta Test For Multi-Tier App Dev

Volta toolset, used with Visual Studio 2008, promises easier deployment of apps beyond the .NET world.

VB Statement Against Vista

VB survived Vista nearly intact, with the glaring exception of one statement. Learn what your options with SendKeys are.

New Features in TFS 2008

Jeff walks you through the best of what's new in Team Foundation Server 2008, starting with the many helpful additions to Version Control.

Microsoft Officials Detail Visual Studio 2008 Rollout Plan

In announcing today that it will release to manufacturing Visual Studio 2008 this month, Microsoft is meeting the most optimistic forecasts for when the long anticipated upgrade to its flagship IDE would ship.

Developers Respond to .NET Source Release

Developers sound off on the release of .NET Framework source code

Banish UAC Issues

User Account Control (UAC) issues usually result from improperly allowing administrator-level access in your applications. Learn how UAC works and make such problems a thing of the past.

Protect and Authenticate Your Apps

Get the Code Protector SDK, plus new VS 2005 SDK v4 samples, Microsoft Windows Search 3.x SDK and more.

Fortify SCA 5.0 Extends App Protection

Fortify Software updates app-dev security and management suite.

C#'s Exploding Mindshare

Why is C# taking the lead over VB.NET?

First Look: The Curl Development Environment

Going into this review, I was not at all sure what to expect. I had no prior knowledge of Curl, although some preliminary research revealed it to be an object-oriented hybrid markup language with similarities to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Testing AJAX Applications with VSTS 2008

Jeff walks you through the new method of validating AJAX code in Visual Studio Team System 2008 (no Fiddler required!).

Tool Ports VB.NET to Java

New tool assists in Visual Basic-to-Java translation.

Domain-Specific Languages

Develop your own graphical languages with Microsoft's DSL Tools.

Microsoft Takes Step Toward Opening .NET 3.5 Framework

In a surprise move, Microsoft said today it is releasing the reference source code for the .NET Framework libraries, a key step toward opening up the proprietary development platform.

Drill Down on Anonymous Types

Learn the details on the new anonymous types and nullable type features in VB 9 (VB 2008).

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