Microsoft yesterday shipped Visual Studio 17.4 Preview 4 with production-ready code for .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) with .NET 7 Release Candidate 2.
The days of a single developer sitting in an office while using desktop Visual Studio to code a monolithic enterprise app are waning. Now it's all about the cloud and collaboration, Microsoft emphasized at the start of its big Ignite 2022 conference.
Addressing a longstanding (nearly 4 years) developer request, Microsoft has made it easier to roll back problematic IDE updates in the new Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 2.
Cloud developers who are into serverless computing can now enjoy support of .NET 7 as a runtime when working with Azure Functions v4.
Microsoft has eased some licensing requirements for Visual Studio Build Tools (VSBT), which comprises a standalone MSVC compiler, libraries and scripts for C++.
Visual Studio extension expert Mads Kristensen's latest creation is Rainbow Braces, used to colorize brace pairs in order to better understand nested code.
Microsoft has enhanced the security of Visual Studio Live Share, its real-time collaborative development tool.
Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 1 furthers Microsoft's efforts to support the Arm64 architecture in its flagship IDE, adding a new supported workload among other improvements.
Microsoft this week shipped Visual Studio for Mac 17.3, introducing support for User Secrets among a host of updates.
Microsoft this week announced VisualStudio.Extensibility, its latest effort to revamp the authoring process for Visual Studio extensions.
Microsoft on Aug. 9 made Visual Studio 2022 17.3 generally available, along with .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI), an evolution of Xamarin.Forms that adds support to create desktop apps in addition to mobile.
With Microsoft facing tough challenges in bringing Visual Studio 2022 for Mac up to parity with its Windows cousin, a new alternative just shipped: Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac.
News emerged last week that famed Windows media player Winamp had been revived after four years of work by developers, whose biggest challenge was upgrading the project from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2019.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to nod to Microsoft-centric developers, most recently announcing Visual Studio 2022 on Amazon EC2, along with AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript.
As July winded down, Microsoft started pumping out weekly previews of Visual Studio 2022 v17.3, along with open sourcing a tool to generate a software bill of materials (SBOM), instrumental to government cybersecurity best practices guidance.
You have a 50/50 shot at accessing a new experiment from the Visual Studio dev team that integrates tutorials with the IDE for an experience that combines guidance with live code.
Thousands of developers have made the ask over the past four years or so.
A developer-oriented, get-started-on-Azure command-line tool from Microsoft is in a public preview.
Visual Studio 2022 has been out for some eight months now, but it still lacks full support for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), a top feature request.
In addition to the Microsoft Teams Development Tools (Teams Toolkit) improvements, it has IEnumerable debugger visualizer enhancements, a C++ LLVM tools update and more.
In the latest Visual Studio 2022 preview, developers can edit source code from within All-In-One Search results.
VMware announced a new Visual Studio toolkit for working with Kubernetes clusters, containers, microservices and other cloud-native tech in its Tanzu line of products.
Trying out some hidden functionality that can be enabled with a few mouse clicks (and maybe an IDE restart).
Stack Overflow's huge developer survey is out for 2022, showing that Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio have cemented their positions as the two most popular IDEs among more than 70,000 developers who were polled.
As promised at the recent Build developer conference, Visual Studio 2022 17.3 Preview 2 is now available as a native Arm64 application on Windows 11.