Testing can be problematic for devs who just want to code and leave the testing to specialists, but many have to DIY. These tools help with that.
There's nothing about development tools such as Visual Studio and VS Code in the announcement of Microsoft's new five-year accessibility push, although they have long been getting such functionality from the dev teams.
Unity Technologies, known for its real-time development platform used widely for gaming apps, has detailed its plans for incorporating new changes in .NET and C# being pushed out by Microsoft.
After Microsoft addressed a top developer feature request with this week's sneak peek at the upcoming 64-bit Visual Studio 2022, what else is in the works?
Hot topics were: 64-bit; support (or perceived lack thereof) of Azure DevOps; Linux; the legacy .NET Framework; and even refreshed icons.
Visual Studio 2022 will be previewed this summer as a 64-bit application, opening up gobs of new memory for programmers to use. "Here's to no more out-of-memory exceptions. ๐"
Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2019 v16.10 Preview 2, focusing on "developer productivity and convenience" with new features for .NET, Containers, C++, Accessibility and more.
F# Interactive can run F# code interactively at the console, or execute F# scripts: " In other words, F# interactive executes a REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print Loop) for the F# language."
During its Ignite 2021 online event for IT pros and developers this week, Microsoft shipped Visual Studio 2019 for Mac v8.9, arriving with out-of-the-box support for .NET 6 Preview 1, which the company also released recently.
Microsoft is urging enterprises and professional coders to standardize on the new Visual Studio 2019 v16.9, a servicing baseline release that's guaranteed to receive official support for an extended period.
Microsoft reported a battle with North Korean-sponsored hackers who attacked security researchers with a most innovative technique: compromised Visual Studio projects.
Yes, developers can be alerted to a failed test with a fart sound.
In the "IDE" section of the "Visual Studio" section of Microsoft's Developer Community site, the No. 1 feature request -- as measured by community votes -- is "Visual Studio for Linux."
Microsoft shipped Visual Studio 2019 v16.9 Preview 2 while issuing New Year wishes toward the end of "this unpredictable year" that saw the milestone .NET 5 arrive incomplete from the original vision because of tricky problems and pandemic-caused delays but nevertheless saw Visual Studio versions churned out at a steady pace.
Microsoft is continuing to crow about .NET productivity and speed gains in Visual Studio 2019 following last week's mass shipments of .NET 5, Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 and more.
Along with last week's mass shipments of .NET 5, Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 and more, Microsoft also released Visual Studio 2019 for Mac v8.8, which can now debug Blazor WebAssembly applications.
Along with .NET 5, Microsoft today shipped Visual Studio 2019 v16.8, which sees Git turned on by default as the version control experience in the latest update of the company's flagship IDE.
Microsoft is changing the model for Visual Studio extensions with the goal of making them easier to write, safer to use and more cloud-friendly.
New Bridge to Kubernetes extensions available for Visual Studio and VS Code simplify microservice development by bridging a local dev machine to specific dependencies in remote clusters.
The .NET Foundation announced a new open source project under its direction, the .NET nanoFramework, which allows for C# coding in Visual Studio for constrained embedded devices.
Microsoft improved the object detection capabilities of its ML.NET machine learning framework for .NET developers, adding the ability to train custom models with Model Builder in Visual Studio.
Here's a takeaway from this week's Ignite 2020 event: An advanced Azure cloud portends the death of the traditional, high-powered dev machine packed with computing, memory and storage components.
To coincide with the Microsoft Ignite 2020 IT pro/developer event, the Visual Studio dev team shipped a new update, Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 Preview 3.1, with the main attraction being support for cloud-hosted Codespaces, now in a limited beta.
The third preview of Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 shows the usual assortment of improvements touching upon productivity for Git, the Roslyn .NET compiler platform, and especially C++.
Microsoft caused Codespaces confusion after it renamed its Visual Studio Online offering "Visual Studio Codespaces" and subsequently GitHub, owned by the company, introduced its own Codespaces.