How To

How to Unlock Visual Studio 2022's Preview Features Like Claude Sonnet 3.7 AI Model

Some developers complained that advanced AI models come sooner to VS Code than Visual Studio, but the new Claude Sonnet 3.7 model is now available in IDE with a paid GitHub Copilot account and a simple settings tweak in GitHub.

Hands On: New VS Code Insiders Build Creates Web Page from Image in Seconds

New Vision support with GitHub Copilot in the latest Visual Studio Code Insiders build takes a user-supplied mockup image and creates a web page from it in seconds, handling all the HTML and CSS.

Just for Fun: A Five-Card Poker Library Using C#

Chances are if you've had many coding interviews you've been presented with a poker problem. Here's a great take from Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research.

Using Copilot AI to Call OpenAI APIs from Visual Studio 2022

Can advanced AI in Visual Studio 2022 turn the sophisticated IDE into a replacement for low-code tools that is suitable for non-coders to create business apps?

Use AI to Quickly Spin Up a Data-Driven WinForms Desktop App

Wherein our intrepid editor serves as a test case for "ordinary business users" and "citizen developers" to slip the surly bonds of low-code and rise to more sophisticated development tooling with the help of Copilot/Chat.

Gaussian Mixture Model Data Clustering from Scratch Using C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains GMM clustering in a full-code, step-by-step tutorial, noting his data scientists colleagues have different opinions about the complicated technique.

Decision Tree Regression from Scratch Using C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says the technique is easy to tune, works well with small datasets and produces highly interpretable predictions, but there are also trade-off cons.

Gaussian Process Regression from Scratch Using C#

GPR works well with small datasets and generates a metric of confidence of a predicted result, but it's moderately complex and the results are not easily interpretable, says Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research in this full-code tutorial.

Kernel Ridge Regression Using C#

KRR is especially useful when there is limited training data, says Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research in this full-code, step-by-step tutorial.

Linear Ridge Regression Using C#

Implementing LRR from scratch is harder than using a library like scikit-learn, but it helps you customize your code, makes it easier to integrate with other systems, and gives you a complete understanding of how LRR works.

Gaussian Process Regression Using the scikit Library

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research offers a full-code, step-by-step tutorial for this technique, especially useful when there is limited training data.

How to Use AI to Create Your Own 'Super Macro' VS Code Extensions

Easy-to-make tools can provide just about whatever functionality you need instantly with a three-stroke key combination.

Accepted for GitHub Copilot Chat? How to Get Started and What You Can Do

So you've finally been plucked off the GitHub Copilot chat waitlist. Now what?

Classification Using the scikit k-Nearest Neighbors Module

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses a full-code, step-by-step demo to predict the species of a wheat seed based on seven predictor variables such as seed length, width and perimeter.

Regression Using a scikit MLPRegressor Neural Network

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses a full-code, step-by-step demo to show how to predict the annual income of a person based on their sex, age, state where they live and political leaning.

Multinomial Naive Bayes Classification Using the scikit Library

A full-code demo from Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research shows how to predict the type of a college course by analyzing grade counts for each type of course.


Multi-Class Classification Using a scikit Neural Network

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says a neural network model is arguably the most powerful multi-class classification technique.

Multi-Class Classification Using a scikit Decision Tree

Decision trees are useful for relatively small datasets that have a relatively simple underlying structure, and when the trained model must be easily interpretable, explains Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research, who provides step-by-step instructions and full source code.


Naive Bayes Classification Using the scikit Library

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research shows how to predict a person's sex based on their job type, eye color and country of residence.

Binary Classification Using a scikit Decision Tree

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says decision trees are useful for relatively small datasets and when the trained model must be easily interpretable, but often don't work well with large data sets and can be susceptible to model overfitting.


Logistic Regression Using the scikit Library

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says the main advantage of scikit is that it's easy to use (even though most classes have many constructor parameters).

Black White Wave IMage

Logistic Regression from Scratch Using Raw Python

The fundamental technique has been studied for decades, thus creating a huge amount of information and alternate variations that make it hard to tell what is key vs. non-essential information.

Silver Pins

Multi-Class Classification Accuracy by Class Using PyTorch

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research: When multi-class data is skewed toward one or more classes, it's very important to analyze accuracy by class.

The Traveling Salesman Problem Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses full code samples to detail an evolutionary algorithm technique that apparently hasn't been published before.

Simple Numerical Optimization Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research says that when quantum computing becomes generally available, evolutionary algorithms for training huge neural networks could become a very important and common technique.

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