Creating a WCF Data Service

If you want to integrate server-side Web service processing with AJAX objects in your browser, you should be considering WCF Data Services -- especially if you're working with the Entity Framework. Here's a quick introduction to the technology.

Adding AJAX with Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX

Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX suite shows a thoughtful approach that builds on ASP.NET AJAX to create a set of controls that play well in ASP.NET.

AJAX Data Strategies in .NET 4

Peter Vogel returns to creating an AJAX-enabled ASP.NET application using the latest tools out of the AJAX library and .NET 4. However, it turns out that you can't there from here... at least, not right away.

Converting from Business Objects to User Interface Objects

Peter Vogel wraps up coverage of object-oriented programming for the single-tier developer by handling the difference between the data required by users and the object used by the business layer.

Object-Oriented Updates with the ObjectDataSource

If you're going to use the ObjectDataSource in a real application, you'll need to support all of the CRUD activities. Peter Vogel extends his object model to do just that.

Telerik Expands Portfolio with Team Development Tools

The company is offering several tools that enable developers to work with Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

Object-Oriented Programming for the ASP.NET Developer

Peter Vogel continues to look at the basics of O-O development to support the ASP.NET ObjectDataSource.

NetAdvantage for .NET Supports Windows 7 UI Styles and Visual Studio 2010

Windows Forms development is still dominant in the enterprise. Will more developers build Silverlight apps as the tooling becomes available in VS2010?

Supporting the ObjectDataSource

You're considering the ObjectDataSource but you're not an object developer. Peter Vogel shows you what you need to do to move into multi-tier development.

In Defense of Single-Tier Applications

You put all of your code in the code file of your ASP.NET pages -- but other developers keep kicking sand in your face because you're not doing n-tier development. Peter's here to say that you're not (necessarily) being dumb.

MIX10: More on jQuery and ASP.NET 4

Microsoft ASP.NET Senior Program Manager Stephen Walther Talks with Peter Vogel about jQuery, AJAX and ASP.NET 4.

MIX10: Microsoft Doubles Down on jQuery

Scott Guthrie announces active support for open source jQuery JavaScript library during Day 2 keynote at MIX 10.

Routing in ASP.NET 4 (Part 2)

Peter continues his exploration of the new Routing features in ASP.NET 4 by showing how to bind control properties to both routes and the values passed in a route.

Reduce Maintenance with Routing in ASP.NET 4

You may have noticed that more and more sites have URLs that mean something rather than describing the path to the page. ASP.NET 4 makes this much easier to implement for your site and may save you from ever having to redirect users again.

Preloading Your ASP.NET Applications

If you're using the ASP.NET Cache object, then somebody is suffering when you first load the Cache. Here's how to avoid that and, potentially, save a bit of money while you're at it.

RIA Frameworks Power Multi-Channel App Strategies

Maturing frameworks and rich Internet application platforms like Silverlight and Adobe Flash/AIR may change the way developers target client platforms.

Cool New Features in ASP.NET 4

Peter starts looking at the new features in ASP.NET 4, starting with support for compressing Session data and setting up permanent redirects.

A Modest Proposal on Validation in the Middle Tier

Peter looks at a strategic issue: When to do validation? The answer isn't "Everywhere" but it could have been.

The QueryExtender

Extend runtime sorting and filtering of data with ASP.NET 4's QueryExtender, which provides a single interface for DataSources.

Inserting with jQuery

Peter Vogel continues to extend his client-side case study by using jTemplate to extend a table to support inserts -- and then sending the user's data to the server to update the database.

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